Howdy all! How’s your weekend going? So far, I’m digging up pipes, and burying more. I’m glad my parents got us jigsaw puzzles as a kid. It has helped me deal with the frustration of connecting irrigation pipes over 10 acres. (Oh no! Wrong size! And I just glued it!! AARRGGHH!!!)
Any hoo,..
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. ~ 1 Thessalonians 1:2
The legislative department is everywhere extending the sphere of its activity and drawing all power into its impetuous vortex." --James Madison, Federalist No. 48, 1788
Gee, the quote from Madison reminds me of things I hear nowadays! The impetuous vortex known as Congress is sucking the life out of Americans, just to ‘give’ us what we need. And that was what Madison was saying! Imagine what he’d say now. Thankfully, there are people today who are as dedicated to the constitution as James was. They aren’t necessarily in one political party or another. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is the strength of character that fills each and every one of these patriots. These patriots are,.. well, you! You are the great patriots of our time. It doesn’t matter how much effort you give. Of course giving more is better. But what you can give is perfect enough! Just as in 2010, the naysayers claim the tea party and all the other conservative groups are fizzling out, losing momentum and interest. Well, if that is what they think, I might remind them of a line from a song by Judas Priest; “YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING”. Just ask Richard Lugar. Look at the race in Wisconsin. Senator Feinstein has a fight this year. Even the wicked witch of the West, Aunt Nancy has a challenge. And wouldn’t it be fitting to see the DNC Chairhyphen be called former congresswoman? The tea party is strong, and very much alive. I would say the OWS crowd has at least been able to get an acronym, but it has withered. This reminds me of the true quote by Mark Twain, “The report of my illness grew out of his illness (a Clemens cousin in England), thus the report of my death was an exaggeration.” This is the real quote from Twain, and it fits like a glove. The OWS movement is so messed up, but the tea party is very strong. OWS has been more or less a failure. So it has been easy to exaggerate that we are no longer effective. Again, I say Richard Lugar. Now this doesn’t mean we will live forever; by no means at all. We must continue, press on. And step up to the plate. We can’t just talk to each other all the time. We must spread the news about our country’s condition since the lamestream media won’t. We must pray all the time to our Creator for help and guidance. We must get involved. That’s why I applied for precinct committee officer for my precinct. And since I had no opponent sign up in time, I win! Got my certificate from the county Friday. (Woo Hoo! Tommy Kiley is a political hack!) And from what I could see, many of the precincts that had gone pco-less for so long are no longer going without.
We are alive. We are still here. And if they think we are going to fall off the radar, they got another thing coming!
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley