Howdy all! Do you sense an air of anticipation? Do you feel that the winds of change will be turning? I sure do. It’s like there is a big event about to occur; something is about to happen that will change everything. Wait, I think I see it happening now. It’s,.. yes it’s,.. it’s, it’s,…..YES!! The ICE CREAM TRUCK IS HERE!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Any hoo,..
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. ~ Deuteronomy 31:6
In our private pursuits it is a great advantage that every honest employment is deemed honorable. I am myself a nail-maker. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Jean Nicolas DÈmeunier, 1795
Well, it’s true; the day jobs are noble and honorable when we treat them as honorable professions. Sometimes they aren’t enough to get by, so we take on further burden. But they are noble professions. Many of us have a second career, or our spouses have that. That’s just as honorable. Now, sometimes these second careers are involved with politics. Is that honorable? Hmm, that’s a tough question. But I can tell you of one individual who I find extremely honorable. He is our representative who goes to Olympia WA to do great things. His name is Brad Klippert. I’ll never forget how he makes his entrance when announced at meetings, rallies, even the county convention. Picture this; bunch of old frumpy looking RINO’s at the stage, giving eh same old blah blah blah. The candidates and other party speakers get up and use the Ben Stein ‘Buehler’ monotone in their voice for what seems hours. Then, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Brad Klippert”. You see this guy run to the stage from the back of the convention hall, run up the stairs, get to the microphone and bellow out the loudest ‘HOORAH!’ and ‘HOW YA DOIN?’ you’ve ever heard. Then you see the crust and dust fall off the shoulders of the crusty ones ‘managing’ the proceedings. Brad is a super energetic person, and a great guy with a great family. Let’s see, he is a sheriff deputy-DARE officer at our town school, preacher, small business man, counselor, and when called he is in the National Guard where he flies Chinook Helicopters. And he is a tea party member, let alone supporter. This guy fits the bill with today’s quotes. He is very strong, very courageous; not afraid at all; does not panic. And Brad knows that He is there by his side all the way. That serene smile that is plastered on his face lets us know that He is with him.
I tell you this because, even with all the hype about Obamacare, and the efforts the left may go to just to win, it is possible to share the enthusiasm instead of misery and anxiety with others. It is possible to shine your courage as a beacon at full power. It is possible to do all we think we can do, and still find the immense ability to do even more; all the while, doing an honest day’s work.
So try it; you’ll like it!
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley