Howdy all! And Happy Fahter’s Day! Ooh, did U spell that wrong? Must mean I’m not perfect. But I am a father, a grandfather. I have to be perfect. No, I don’t. But what I am is the best father I could ever hope to be. I’m not Billy’s Dad who takes the kids camping every summer. I don’t go fishing like Jimmy’s Dad. And I haven’t played house is a long time like Mary’s Dad does. But, I do what I can with my children, like I’ve always done. How many kids can say their Dad took them for dinner on a nuclear submarine? Or even for a ride? OR EVEN UNDER WATER?? IT doesn’t matter really. What does matter is that Dad’s love their kids. Country singer George Strait says it best, “See Daddy’s don’t just love their children every now and then,… It’s a love without end, Amen.” Thomas, Kathleen and Christine, I love you all very, very much! Amen.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. ~ Philippians 4:6
If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Thomas Cooper, 1802
So many people are worried about what will happen to them, to their bank accounts, their jobs, their families, their country. Obama’s doing this, the banks are doing that and the Congress is doing us all. Tea partyers, Occupiers, fat cats, jet owners, Wall Street, AAAHHH!!! It makes us all sound like Chicken Little. Don’t get me wrong. There is a lot of shenanigans going on in DC and in the states. The tea party and 9/12 groups have been working so hard to get back what is missing in our nation and government. Repeal the Obamacare, and restore the Constitution. I am all for that; I’m all in for sure. And I love the progress made over the last few years, as well as the direction we are going towards. But there are still the worrisome folks who question why this is happening. “Why” is the wrong question. Why no longer matters. What, When and How are the pertinent questions to ask. We all know why. We don’t need validation from the mainstream media anymore. They are dinosaurs anyway, sticking with the liberals to hold on to any semblance of longevity they may have. We don’t even need to know who. It isn’t Willard, or Barry. It isn’t Harry, Nancy, little Johnboy. It is We the People. We are the nation; we are the government. We sublet the governance to those who have been elected. And they are messing up badly. Remember, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,..” The Constitution says it. We the People grant the legislative powers to the Congress, not the other way around. So we already know ‘who’; us.
What? We will take back our powers through our vote, our voice and our spirit.
When? Well, actually we have been working on this for a number of years. Long before the tea party, long before Barry, G-dub, Slick Willy, and the lot. We have watched this go poorly for a long time. It’s only been the last few years that we finally got organized, somewhat. And now we will go forward with the true recovery starting in November and in earnest with the pacific change of command in January.
How? We will be watching closely. Romney should understand that We the People will be watching him and his cabinet MUCH closer than we watched Barry; much, much closer. Anyone who thinks that we will sit back on the sofa and turn the TV back on or go back to sleep is got some serious problems, and is in need of therapy. When we say not violent but not silent anymore, we mean EVER.
And all along the way, we will not be worrying anymore. We will be praying for our nation, and for our federally elected employees to follow the directions of their bosses; yes – We the People. We have told Him of our needs and support, and thank Him every day for holding us together through all of this.
Thomas said here that if we can prevent the government from wasting our tax money and robbing us blind in order to pay for their whimsical wasteful ways under the guise of ‘helping us’, they must become happy. They? Who is ‘They’? I submit that ‘They’ is us, them, all of We the People. We will all be able to once again enjoy a small portion of the inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness granted us by God, and protected by the sacred honor of our founders.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley