Howdy all! And thank you Richard! I’ve mentioned recently about inspiration and encouragement. I hope you recognize your inspiration. There are so many good signs of what will transpire over the next months until November. But there are still possible hurdles; some may seem insurmountable. They are not. There are still burdens to carry. They are not heavy. Inspiration is the track athlete that helped another cross the finish line. Encouragement is cheering the last contestant in the marathon, 12 hours after the starter’s gun went off. Now, we have lots to do. Remember your inspiration. Use it. And share it.
Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth - a stranger, not your own lips. ~ Proverbs 27:2
It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please. Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them. It [the Constitution] was intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect." --Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on a National Bank, 1791
Why is it that the French did not succeed politically after the French Revolution, even though they supported our success, and had the experiences we went through to guide them? Jefferson knew. Why does our government have so much trouble getting a handle on our economy? Jefferson knew, over 200 years ago he knew! Why do we as tea party, 9/12 and other conservative and constitutional groups push so hard to take our government back, and restore what was meant to be? Just as Jefferson did, we know. We know that the Constitution was not supposed to give Congress power to do what they wanted. We know the Constitution was not meant to be a living document. We know, because we read, researched, and gained the understanding of Jefferson and the other founders. We the People own the country. We the People own the government. We the People grant powers to the federally elected employees, not the other way around. We know that we have the power, not them. What we don’t know is why we put up with the tyranny from our government. Think about this; only a few months ago, the momentum was not with the GOP, or the tea party, at least not in the view of the media. Obama and the left had all the momentum, regardless of what was true. The republicans appeared weak. In fact, they were weak. So, what changed? Was it the Wisconsin recall election? No. was it the GOP primary process? Heck no! That was almost a complete farce. So, what changed? Actually, nothing changed. The change in the wind is not because of change at all. No, the ‘change’ is really the realization of the true conservative movement that has been going strong over the past 6 years. Six? Obama hasn’t been the POTUS for 6 years? No, but the drive for conservative ideals has really become a tangible effort since about 2006, when the 2 houses of Congress went left. It wasn’t organized, but there were plenty of individuals who knew this was wrong and had to be corrected. The tea party-9/12 movement has come out of the darkness, out from its silence and become a force to contend with. All the ‘old guard’ from both major political parties have to recognize the strength of the conservative movement. They won’t, until it is too late for them politically. And they will be dismissed from service with no pomp or circumstance. Why? Jefferson knew, and we know as well. This government belongs to We the People. We the People grant the power to the Congress. It is high time they learn that constitutional fact; or be dismissed.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley