Be Encouraged!


Good day.  What?  Not the “Howdy all!” cheerful greeting?  Not this day. There is so much to reflect on, so much to go over intellectually, morally and emotionally.  The question that is out there so dramatically is, “What now?”

What is on your mind?..

Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 1:6

We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times. ~ George Washington, letter to Philip Schuyler, 1777

OK.  “Howdy all!”  Is BACK!   That didn’t take too long I hope.  How many of us watched in anticipation, excitement, anxiousness, fear, anxiety, and finally some level of depression last night? (Me)  Who slept in late? (Me)  Who went out today and bought some firearm supplies? (Not yet)  Come now, you all have to admit there is something drastic you wanted to do after the final results were in.  So, go do it, (within limits that is).

What really happened last night?  Did we lose a lot of elections?  No.  Wait, didn’t Romney lose?  Didn’t the senate maintain a democratic majority?  Sure, but we didn’t lose anything.  Not yet.  Yes, there is a fear that our Constitution will continue to suffer.  Our inalienable rights will be pounced on.  Our system of belief, our morality, and our sense of honor, courage and commitment were beat up.  But there were some election successes.  True, West lost in Florida, but Bachmann won in Minnesota.  Many states will soon allow same sex marriage and smoking pot (like the state I live in) but Montana and others said NO to forced healthcare requirements.  The results of last night’s elections may show that we had failures in our efforts.  But we have not failed.  We have not failed.  WE HAVE NOT FAILED!!!!!!!!!!  Sorry, I sometimes get loud when I get impassioned.  You are only a failure when you give up. 

I believe the GOP management has some soul searching to do.  (Remember, they are in positions of management, not leadership.  They suck at being leaders.)  They need to see that their continued efforts of old are no longer working.  They must see that the paradigm shift is happening to them.  They are like the Swiss watch makers who scoffed at the idea brought to them by CASIO of a silly little digital watch.  Well, I have a beautiful Jules Jurgensen watch passed down from my grandfather, but I use digital clocks for everything.  I recognize the magic of the Grand Old Party as it used to be, as politics used to be.  But it isn’t that way anymore.  And it never will be.  The GOP must reflect on itself and change.  The conservatives must also reflect.  The big question that is out there, that HAS been out there is, do we stay with the GOP?  Do we part ways and start a new political party?  Do we join another party?  The strength of the GOP may never return, if it is to remain as lame as it is today.  They have to recognize that the ways of the Good Old Boys can never return as it was.  We too, must reflect on where we stand.  I know one thing for sure; I am an American.  I gave 22 years of my life to defend it.  I live to my oath even today, 13 years after ending my service.  I love my country.  I love the United States of America.  I will not see it go quietly into the night.  As for the effort to change/eliminate the Constitution, I will not support any effort to do so.  I will NOT comply.  You can take my taxes.  You can take my job.  You can take me to prison.  But, you can never take my freedom.  Paraphrasing another great American – you can take my freedom out of my cold dead hands.

Reflection by all is needed.  The pundits say that Obama must now look to work across the aisle to bring the nation back together.  I believe he, Reid, Pelosi and the rest will do no such thing.  They will force compromise on their terms.  That, my friends and fellow patriots, is no compromise.  That is capitulation.  The tea party movement is not dead.  We are back in Valley Forge, again.  It’s time to take a breath, get some rest, eat a big piece of chocolate cake, with a snifter full of good brandy.  When you’re done, get back to work.  Our country needs us more now than ever.  We ARE the refounders now; lots to do.

Remember this, my friends; we should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times.  Be confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Take care, God bless and especially, ESPECIALLY at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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