Because He is Black, Americans Suffer and Die

4063582368?profile=originalClearly, no amount of unprecedented unlawful power grabs, narcissistic behavior, blatant lies and ignoring of the Constitution will sway the mainstream media and the Democrats from their loyalty to Obama. Why? The answer is Obama is black which makes him their ultimate weapon of mass destruction able to nuke traditional America. Obama's mission is to cram his radical socialist/progressive dream for America down our throats.

Obama’s reign of terror is but a mere preview of things to come if the MSM and Democrats are successful in duping American's into handing Hillary Clinton the keys to the Oval Office. Just as Obama has ruled as America's first king, Hillary will be our first Queen. Anyone who dares to criticize or oppose Queen Hillary's radial liberal agenda will be branded a sexist and severely punished; subjected to a high tech lynching; their politically battered carcasses left on public display to ward off other outspoken conservatives/Republicans.

The frightening inconvenient truth is the MSM, Democratic Party and Obama consider American suffering and loss of life acceptable collateral damage to protect Obama and implement his agenda. His black skin provides Obama perfect political cover, similar to an impenetrable suit-of-armor, providing the Left with a unique golden opportunity to implement all of their unsellable liberal utopian fantasies. The best interest of the American people even takes a backseat to the Left's and Obama's obsession with appeasing our enemies.

POLL:  POLL: Should Obama be impeached over his release of the five Guantanamo terrorists?

Please allow me to recap incidents over the past 5 years which confirm that Team Obama (the MSM and Democrats) believes protecting their golden child and his agenda despicably trumps American lives.

While this first example is before his presidency, it does illustrate the cold callous political calculating nature of Obama, the man. As an Illinois Senator, Obama voted against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act “three” times. The law would authorize hospital staff to provide medical assistance and try to save the lives of babies who miraculously survive abortions. Before the law, hospital staff was legally forced to simply place the baby into a room until it died. To secure the radical feminist vote, Obama insidiously voted against allowing staff to assist these feisty infant survivors; acceptable collateral damage to furthering his political ambitions.

Following the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving Boston Marathon bomber, Obama's DOJ immediately took actions which suppressed vital intelligence-gathering. Why would Obama so swiftly end all questioning of the Muslim terrorist regarding future planned attacks on America? Unconscionably, protecting Obama's false narrative that terrorism is no longer a threat overrides national security (American lives).

Four Americans, including our brutally tortured U.S. Ambassador, Chris Stevens, were killed during an Al-Qaeda terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The Obama administration's behavior before and after the attack is the epitome of cold hardhearted political cover-up and posturing.

In a nut shell, the Administration denied Ambassador Stevens' desperate pleads for extra security before the attack. Following the attack, the Administration blatantly lied to the American people about the cause of the attack.

In a cold calculated act of political deceit, Secretary of State at the time Hillary Clinton lied to the parents of the victims while looking them in the eye and shaking their hands. Hillary vowed to punish the guy who made an anti-Muslim video, knowing full well that the attack had nothing to do with a video.

Why is the Administration hellbent on hiding the truth about the Benghazi attack? One reason is the Administration, Democrats and the MSM will not tolerant evidence disproving Obama's claim that terrorism is over; particularly right before the 2012 presidential election. One could conclude that team Obama considered the deaths of our U.S. Ambassador and a few former Navy SEALs acceptable collateral damage to secure Obama's reelection.

Here is another example of the Democrats putting furthering Obama's agenda above American lives, only this time, we are talking children. During the government shutdown, Republicans wanted to vote to make sure the shutdown would not hinder kid's with cancer from getting their medicine. Remarkably, Senate majority leader Democrat Harry Reid blocked the Republican's efforts. Reid placed making Republicans look bad above the lives of children. CNN reporter Dana Bash asked Reid, “If you can help one child, why won't you do it?” Reid replied, “Why, why, why would we want to do that?” Deplorably evil, cold and politically calculating.

While we have not yet experienced the true horrors of Obamacare once it is fully implemented, Obamacare is wrecking havoc on American lives. Cancer patients are losing their doctors who have been keeping them alive. Millions have lost their excellent healthcare plans which Obama repeatedly promised they could keep. As Sarah Palin warned, there will be death panels, rationed care and diminished care. Single payer government controlled healthcare is a major component of Obama's fundamental transformation of America. Therefore, truth about Obamacare will not be tolerated. So, how have the Democrats dealt with testimonies from Americans expressing how Obamacare has devastated their lives? Harry Reid called them a bunch of liars.

If there was any doubt that Barack Obama is a cold hardhearted political calculating megalomaniac, trading deserter Bowe Bergdahl for five major Taliban generals who will surely plot to kill more Americans confirms it. Empowered by Obama's trade, the Taliban promises more kidnappings. Every political action truly is all about Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm. Once again displaying his unprecedented arrogance, Obama ignored the law which required that he give Congress 30 days notice before transferring detainees out of Guantanamo.

What has emboldened Obama to continuously boldly go where no white president has gone before? The answer, his black skin suit-of-armor. Despite Obama's multiple crimes and misdemeanors against the American people and the Constitution, serious opposition to the first black president is simply not an option for many in the GOP and MSM.

It is plain to see the pattern of behavior of Obama and his minions. They protect Obama and further their agenda at any and all cost while engaging in maximum exploitation of his skin color for perfect political cover. Therefore, because Obama is black, Americans suffer and die.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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  • Thank you Lloyd, very well said. 

  • good post lloyd thank you

  • Way to go Lloyd!!!!! You always tell it like it is. Funny how NO ONE talks about his WHITE mother!!!!!! And ARAB father!!!!! That would be racist!! Or his commie mentors....that would be racist!

  • Thank you Mr. Marcus, thank you a thousand times. It's the same post I've made before. NOTHING will get Obama impeached. He has 2 aces. He's black, and he's the first black president. And he's got alotta help. Hillary, Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Biden, Boehner, McConnel, McCain... When you look at the direction we're heading, and who's driving us, you'll know we're chin deep in ****.

  • Thanks for that post Richard Houchen and Jeff Collier.

    Andrew Breitbart was killed the day after he announced to the world that he had information about Obama's birth/background that would rock the world.

    The coroner that pronounced his death "natural causes" due to some heart complication was then also murdered. No investigation of that death.

    Mr.Brietbart's news team has since been very quiet and not followed up on whatever he planned to announce.

    Most know that Sheriff Joe and his 'cold-case posse' have proven beyond any doubt that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. Many of his other records are scandalous to say the least.

    Many other individuals and organizations have stuck their necks out to shine truth on this issue.

    So whose bloodline is Mr. Obama really connected to that makes the people in power behind Obama go to such great lengths to conceal his true heritage -- even murder people and make those cases grow cold? Does his lineage come from European ancestors, English, German, Jewish, Muslim? 

    The people behind Obama are masters of deception and have the money to buy loyalty to their cause...will we ever find out who Mr. Obama really is? I hope so.

    Richard Houchen's Page
    Richard Houchen's Page on Tea Party Command Center
  • Lloyd Marcus I take my hat off to you. You are obviously a man of courage, and intellectual honesty.  It takes the testimony of a black man to expose the duplicity and treachery of a man that hides behind the protected facade of his blackness. 

    Of course we hear those who deny that Obama is black. That is like denying that the earth is round, or that the sun rises in the morning. Their denial will only make them look like the fools that they are.  On the other hand Lloyd, Dr. Ben Carson, and Col. Allen West show the integrity and moral strength that honorable men of any race deserve credit for. If the protected facade is ever to be broken, it will be men like Lloyd that will be instrumental in making the breech in the impenetrable wall that the Marxist have built. Truth must prevail. 

  • OBAMA is NOT black, he is a MARXIST......In Marxism it does not matter what color you are, just like Zionism, it matters not if you are a Jew, any one can be a Zionist, any one can be a Marxist....

  • Marcus is one of my new hero's for saying what I ,and few others have the guts to say about why Obama gets a pass for his entire criminal-persona and lawless acts against America. The damage Obama is doing to all America, including black America, is unprecedented ,but few blacks recognize it,or care. Conservative black people are being dumped on by black liberal elitists and the rotten-to-the-core media. Obama gives new meaning to the term"evil",and the history of this nation has never seen such evil in one person...but he didn't get here by magic, he was put in power by the ignorant, the "I hate Bush ",and appeasement-driven whites, along with every illegal, triple-voting fraud and system-fraud that Acorn could come up with. The death of America comes with a price tag beyond imagination.

  • Well said, Marcus and thanks, Linda for the posting.

  • Thanks for posting. Wondered what happened to Lloyd Marcus. That picture of Obama taking off his mask is cool

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