Benghazi – What Really Happened?

Many Americans are probably tired of hearing about Benghazi, especially Obama and Hillary. What if Benghazi was something more than lies, cover-ups and hidden agendas?

Let me present the facts and you decide; what really happened?

The Liberals accuse conservatives of grand standing by demanding the truth.  May I ask what is wrong with the truth? The truth is Obama’s responsibility.  For the lack of another word Benghazi should be, well to quote a president; transparent--unless there is something to hide.

What we know about Benghazi is that we don’t know the truth. The only reason someone refuses to answer questions is because they have something to hide. With all the lies it appears there is a lot to hide.  The truth will set you free or maybe put you behind bars.

Why weren’t Americans rescued? A stand down order was given, but by who and why? Someone said, “What difference does it make!” Actually it makes a lot of difference to the four American families who lost loved ones in Benghazi. They could have been rescued.  Hillary’s reaction was defensive, arrogant. Her response proves she was hiding something, but what?

Obama never arrived at the Benghazi meeting when everyone else was frantic? Or were they? Did Obama and the others know something no one else did? Obama appeared unconcerned and the next morning actually went on a fund raising mission, leaving Benghazi behind as though it was nothing.  Did Obama know about the attack before it happened?  Impossible.

They blamed a video for the attack. That was a lie.  The attack was organized and planned for the same day as our 911. The attack was orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

There was time to rescue all four Americans.  We have proof they could have arrived in time, contrary to the lies we were told. General Ham was relieved of duty because he refused a stand down order. A group of Marines were about to be airborne when the orders came to stand down. But President Obama said, “I gave orders to secure our personnel and do whatever we needed to do.” Obama’s words were false because he issued a stand down order. Even more troublesome is the current administration doesn’t answer questions. Why? Instead they blame other people; even people that weren’t involved.

Some say Obama’s advisor; Valerie Jarrett is responsible.  She was born in Iran, raised Muslim and called off numerous attacks on bin Laden. She and Obama were involved with people like Ayers, Dorn, Grimshaw, Rezko, and Islam leader Farrakhan. Most of these people are known communists or socialists. They are not people to be trusted with the American way and freedom. Check them out if you have any doubts. Neither Obama nor Jarrett have any pride in America. They back anything to help the Muslim Brotherhood, even if it means letting Americans die. Why?

Most of Obama’s key position choices are Muslim and closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama has armed, financed and supported the Muslim Brotherhood so they could takeover Libya, Egypt and Syria. This is the same group that used chemical weapons in Syria and executes Christians on a regular basis. They don’t want freedom; they demand domination and subjection.  We know the attack at Benghazi was led by the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama not only supports the Muslim Brotherhood but has been quoted as saying if he had to choose sides between Christians and Muslims he would side with Muslims. When Egypt overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood leadership, Obama stopped America’s support.

Why would the Muslim Brotherhood attack the Benghazi embassy and kill Stephens when Obama gives unlimited financial help, supplies all their weapons, and always aligns with them?

When the embassy asked for more protection the request was denied, not one time, but many times.

This was a cover-up filled with lies from the beginning. None of the information from the White House was truthful including blaming a video. Are Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood working together?

America was the only country that maintained an embassy in war torn Libya and requests for protection were denied. Why? And a stand down order from our President during an assault. Why? So who was being protected, the Muslim Brotherhood? Everything we have discussed proves they had no intention of killing Stephens.  It was as though they were helping Obama. If that is true then why?

Whatever their plans, including Obama, they were ruined when two former Navy Seals, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, tried to save Stephens. These two brave men risked and lost their lives to save fellow Americans, while our leaders denied the same men security and gave stand down orders.

We know Hillary denied protection to the embassy and Obama ordered a stand down. We must conclude they planned to have Stephens kidnapped and held for ransom. There never intended to kill him.  Stephens was too valuable to Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood alive but with the ensuing firefight the Muslim Brotherhood lost control and Stephens was killed.

Why kidnap Stephens? The kidnapping was planned for September 11th. The Muslim kidnappers would have demanded a ransom, Obama would have been the negotiator of peace and Stephens would have been released somewhere around the middle of October.  Overnight Obama would have become an American hero for saving our diplomat. His popularity would have skyrocketed and no one would or could have stood against him.  He could ride the wings of the rescue for months; a national hero like he has always believed.  No more criticism, only praise. Correct? After Stephens release, the American presidential election would have been only weeks away. This was Obama’s elaborate and ingenious plan.

While brave Americans died,
Obama told more lies.

Benghazi is being investigated and lies uncovered. If Obama refuses to testify before the Congressional Investigation, it will be an open admission of guilt.  Time will tell.

All of this is purely speculation based on facts.

A planned kidnapping gone awry? What really happened?





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  • Guilty, heads on pikes...Semper Fi Nam 66-67
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