CBS News) Let's start with a few facts about guns and shootings and deaths.

Lately, there have been far too many shootings of innocent people by crazy
people. We can go back to Virginia Tech or Tucson, Ariz., or look just
recently to Aurora, Colo., and to Wisconsin and the Sikh Temple.

Too many crazy, homicidal people have lethal weapons. And you might say
there should be very strict gun control - and for crazy people, there should

On the other hand, you might look at this little set of facts.

In Sandpoint, North Idaho, where I live for most of the summer, it's
extremely easy to buy a gun. You can buy them at stores and at gun shows, or
just at yard sales. Yet there are almost no gun deaths in Bonner County,

The last ones of note in North Idaho were done by the FBI at Ruby Ridge, and
that's a different story.

On the other hand, in my beloved Los Angeles, where I live most of the year,
there's extremely strict gun control. It's a real project to buy a gun.

Here, we have gang shootings and death by guns on a terrifying scale. In my
native city of Washington, D.C., the same goes: Strict gun control and lots
of shootings.

The same goes for Chicago. Strict gun control and a lot of killing.

Obviously, Sandpoint, Idaho, is a very much calmer place than Chicago, and
I'm not saying that people in Chicago should be allowed to just tote guns in
their cars the way many can, and do, in North Idaho.

But my point is that there is nothing easy or simple about the relationship
between gun control and crime. If a man had started shooting in a crowd in
North Idaho, probably several men in the crowd would have shot him down
immediately. Maybe a woman, too.

I'm not for vigilante law enforcement. But I am also not for government
disarming everyone but criminals.

I have never understood the flaw in the argument that when guns are
outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. And, of course, there are already
laws against murder.

The whole problem of guns and killings is complex, and saying "gun control,"
or being angry at the NRA simply does not get us very far.

I wish I had a better solution, but I don't, and as far as I know neither
does anyone else

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  • My opinion,,

    Gun control is ridiculous. The only way a "Free Nation" can remain free is for it's people to be able to protect it's freedom. Without weapons is without protection. The issues that confront US today are not gun control issues at all. The real issues are simply control issues. It has nothing to do  with the constitutional 2nd amendment.

    Since this country was founded the Judicial system has been layering law upon law in an attempt to control the people. Every time Johnny farts sideways and offends someone there is another law passed to protect that persons right to not have Johnny's stink in their personal space. The biblical laws and moralities that once governed the people have all been replaced by man made laws. The Judea-Christian morals have been downgraded to simple laws of the land. The morality of America is being replaced by the demands of loyalty to the government.

    Something I've never seen in the left or right media is a study on shootings in a faith based society compared to that of a nationalized or non-Christian society. Moralized people, true Christians in general don't use guns against each other. We don't rob, murder, or rape. We use weapons as protection, hunting, and sport. Christians know that cold-blooded murder is followed by eternal damnation while non-Christians see it as just doing time. Three hots and a cot in a sub-society of their peers. We can't condemn the gun owner when the government has all but wiped out morality. Separation of church and state, unjustified taxation, self-serving personal issue laws, deceptive politician, and a bucket more of immoral issues are the reasons US citizens go on shooting rampages. NOT our gun laws...

  • Taking a tough stand on crime is a sure bet to curbing the problem. Its time that we look at the justice system and make some changes.

    If it can be established a person commits a murder with Malice (intent) and the perpetrator can be identified through video,  witness testimony with corroborating testimony of a second witness,  DNA evidence or other proven forensic evidence, confession or caught in the act of the crime then we should convict with no appeal. Trials and execution should be carried out within 120 days.   The American justice system need to be seen as just that; "JUSTICE  for the proven crime committed" A hard stand and the possibility of certain death when convicted is a good start.

    Since guns are not the problem, people are, citizens should be allowed the option not to carry or subject themselves to extensive training  including  firearms training and weapon retention if they wish to carry a weapon concealed or openly. Immediate action and possible death to the perpetrator serves as a deterrent to violent crimes. Our population needs to accept if an violent attack occurs a possibility casualties could also occur if armed citizens take action to fend off the attack.

    the reality of eliminating weapons is not an option. It will have no effect on the criminal who will find ways to obtain them. Any talented machinist can built a gun through reverse engineering creating a lucrative  black market for their products. Laws against guns are about as effective as laws against dope under the current justice system. Where there is money there is corruption and where there is corruption there are politicians.

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