We must win the independant vote.
Newt will not attract the "must win" Independant vote
Working women will look at Obama and Gingrich and vote for Obama. Not even close.
People are all rushing to back Newt Gingrich, almost in panic mode, in mass.

Am just asking people to slow down. Is we screw this up early, we can't change it and do not want to make Obama's path easier.
Give Newt consideration, but don't cast your mental vote yet.

Please let Newt play out.

Yes, we all would love to see Newt "Debate" Obama. In recent past some Democratic candidates have limited debates in in Presidential Campaign to one debate. So can we afford to put Newt up there for maybe one debate? And what if he has one descent debate, what then? Or what if Obama does better than expected? have we put all our marbles in one bag with hopes that will catapult us to election win?
We are having financial problem a country. We need a financial wiz to help pull us out of thie depression.


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  • I agree that we should let it play out, but not to the extent, that we let the media pick our canidates. Herman Cain was an example, without any proof what so ever, (he said, she said), Herman had to withdraw, so they have  won again. We owe Herman Cain an apology, it is a sad day when we convict a person for being guilty before  being proved innocent. If it turns out that he is guilty then so be it,but how about waiting untill there  is actual proof. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO THE NEXT CANIDATE, who has his head on the liberal media chopping block.

    I disagree with some of your thoughts about Newt, if he only debates obama one time instead of the 7 that he is going to challenage him on, I can assure you  that it will be crystal clear that he wins the debate. Newt also said that if obama refuses to debate , he will follow him on all of his campaign stops and refute everything he has said, brilliant stratagey, obama has met his match. Yes we are in deep finiancial difficulty due to the current administrations reckless spending,over regulating and do nothing useful, President. Watch that start changeing dramtically the first few days after Newt wins. What we have to remember is not to watch or pay any attention to the main stream media, we all know where they stand, with obama ,so believe nothing.

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