Beware the One-Party Establishment

Between Donald Trump’s unexpected surge to Socialist Bernie Sanders’  (I laughed as two black racist fat women seized the microphone from Sanders and proceed to cuss out the all white socialist crowd as racists, while Sanders cringed in the background, it was his own rally too in commie invested Seattle) surprising poll lead in New Hampshire, the politics of the 2016 U.S. presidential election are proving to be nothing like what we were told to expect. The dynastic Clinton versus Bush (its no surprise that they are close friends with the same objectives) contest that was preordained by traditional media and the establishment wings of the major parties (actually one party, there is not a dime's worth of difference between them) is looking anything but certain. This can be explained, at least partially, by Internet-powered disruption of traditional political kingmakers (i.e., media and party elders); e.g. the Oligarchy-controlled minority-parasite ESTABLISHMENT. May they

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