“ Big Head-Bill O'Reilly Is About To Be Deflated”


“ Big Head-Bill O'Reilly Is About To Be Deflated”
Poor Bill O'Reilly... his often times arrogant attitude is finally going to get him in trouble. No, when I state here “in trouble” I don not mean by any means that any “man: could do to him. No... what I am sharing here is in regards to what he along with a very long line of very foolish have done throughout history; specifically, that is openly calling God of the Bible a liar. Now Bill hasn't come right-out and called God a “liar”, utilizing that exact word, but he does claim that the Christian Bible is not to be taken literally. Mr. O'Reilly in fact states that the Bible is “allegorical” not literal Bill goes on in the article link I just posted here to state that the Bible actually also contradicts itself... ouch Bill, that's gonna hurt! Again, I really feel sorry for 'Ol Bill but He will learn the hard way I guess.
Let me explain...If you really aren't familiar with Bill O'Reilly, he is well known as a past news correspondent, current author and commentator. He has a television program usually aired on the Fox News Network where he comments on various topics. Many American's have either a love for him or real disdain and or even loathe him. Both Liberals and Conservatives in many ways have voiced opposition to Mr. O'Reilly's “moderate” view points and that has brought many of them also to oppose Bill's views even publicly. There are other various reasons for folks disliking of Mr. O'Reilly though. The largest complaint by far regarding Bill, is his arrogant attitude-plain and simple. Mr. O'Reilly comments on many subjects and if you don't agree with him, he does tend to get into a kind of mean spiritedness. In fact often times you are called a “pin head” by Bill if you do voice opposition to him. Yes, Bill can be correct in his facts and as a matter of fact he is correct more than half-the time I'd say judging by the times I have viewed and listened to him. Mr. O'Reilly's being correct on occasion or even wrong is not the root problem however---Bill's problem is his attitude about being correct (or even when he is wrong). Mr. O'Reilly makes a conscious attempt to degrade people who disagree with him. Hey ! There's nothing wrong about confronting evil but when Bill get's “high on his horse”, there's no knocking him down.... He's right, or else !
313452_542230395807321_397987905_n.jpgBeing correct in any matter is a good thing. Most(but not all) American's want fact. Delivery of “facts” however can have a big impact on a person's perception also of the messenger, not just what is being presented as “fact.” Bill O'Reilly's problem often times is his “delivery” of facts and how he treats others. In the past years, Bill has been popularized with his attitude and treatment of others and as a matter of fact, has very high viewer ratings for treating others on his program poorly. That's all good right ? Well, not Bill proclaims on his Fox News program that his is a “no spin zone” program, but Bill is in fact is himself taking a huge step of hypocrisy by claiming in essence the Bible as it is written is not true. By proclaiming the Christian Bible as being “allegorical”, Mr. O'Reilly is doing exactly what he claims he will not allow any guest on his program engage in; “spinning.” He is in essence, calling God, a “pinhead.”
If only Bill's ego would let him see that he is wrong about his view of thee Bible(and other matters). If only he picked up the Christian Bible and read 2 Timothy 3:16 where it is read; “ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction is righteousness.” I mean it's all so simple to read, is it now Bill ? Adam and Eve... Yes Bill... they really existed and so did every “character” in the Bible. If Bill was smart--- before engaging in writing his upcoming book; “Killing Jesus” Bill should have embarked on looking at all the newly discovered Biblical artifacts found in recent years. As Bill claims there are “new facts” about Jesus, Bill instead looked at the facts that show the words of the Bible are shown to be true. Mr. O'Reilly is treading on dangerous grounds right now. He ought to be extremely careful that he doesn't catch any number of curses and negative consequences mentioned in the Bible for his apostasy and or adding or taking away anything from the Bible(Revelation 22:18-19).
Interestingly perhaps I suppose, I believe, Mr. O'Reilly goes against the beliefs of his own Roman Catholic religious teachings when he spouts such things as the Bible being only allegorical, and not literal. Now, I'm not a “Roman Catholic” kinda guy. For me, I believe in the Bible, not human traditions, but Bill seems so full of himself, that he believes he can challenge anyone including even his own religious leaders. Sure, Bill is probably powerful enough to keep the Roman Catholic Church and their leaders off his back, but does he really think there is no consequence for challenging God and His Word ? Indeed, this is where all men(all people)---eventually go when they become to powerful, Bill O
Reilly also.... these type's get full of themselves and think they can question God and His Word and manipulate God's words to fit any way they want to without consequence. I have good news for Mr. O'Reilly, he can change course(repent) right now; he can read and pray through the Christian Bible with eyes not on his own beliefs and actually read for himself that God says what He means, and means what He says. Mr. O'Reilly can instead though go on in stepping in that land mine and take a chance in seeing what happens. I guarantee everyone one thing, including for Mr. Bill O'Reilly... no man(person) has ever challenged God or His Word without God showing up in ways many would not expect. Yep, I feel sorry for Ol' Bill if he doesn't repent. He's about to get a huge lesson on humility if he doesn't stop his foolish challenge to God and His Word.
Take cover everyone ! God's in control... Bill O'Reilly... You've just entered God's “no spin zone.”
Psalms 18:27 For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down.
Rev. Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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