Did you notice newts folks bailed on him to run over to Perrys camp, and now Bilderberg is backing perry. Why you ask, simple Perry is a globalist stooge, and violated the Logan act. I e-mailed the Texas atty. Gen. to ask for the AG to arrest Perry. Well what a surprise, they didn't know he went to the 2007 bilderberg meeting. Folks are getting dumb as a char-broiled frogleg. Anywat they said , " this is a case for the feds" talk about passing the buck. So far the tea party folks in Wash. D.C. who voted for the Patriot act aren't as Tea Party as they claim eh, check this out...
120 Tea Party members of Congress voted FOR the Patriot Act. Only 18 Tea Party members voted against it. Pretty lousy record don't ya think...see full article here
http://irregulartimes.com/index.php/archives/2011/05/28/tea-party-roll-call-may-2011-patriot-act/ why you ask, cuz ya'll got co-opted again brought back into the fold by mainstrem neo-cons, Fox no news, Hannity, Huckabee,the rest of the game show hosts, karl rove and the like say it ain't so. The elites are playing everybody like a drum. Back to perry, he is there to knock off Ron Paul, we can't have a real conservative, when the elites can install a puppet, wake up folks. All you texans should write the AG and ask for perry to be arrested for violating the logan act...Remember back when Ron Paul first started the Tea Party ya'll booooood Perry off-stage now he's Gov? What happened?
Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, June 20, 2011
Every indication suggests that Bilderberg-approved Texas Governor Rick Perry is set to become the frontrunner in the Republican race to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency, illustrating once again how a shady, secretive and undemocratic global elite holds the reigns of true power while Americans are distracted by the delusional notion that they have a genuine choice in 2012.
“Perry has said he will announce his decision soon. One member of his campaign team said he was closer than ever to joining the race and he was testing the prospects in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. If he does stand, Republicans at the New Orleans conference predicted he would become the frontrunner of a so-far uninspiring field,” reports the London Guardian.
Texas Governor Perry, a protégé of Karl Rove, is very good at acting like a down-home populist, but that’s all it is – an act. Perry is George W. Bush 2.0.
While spewing Tea Party-style rhetoric about secession, shooting coyotes and courting the favor of Christian evangelicals, behind closed doors Perry has been quietly selling out Texas to globalist interests, auctioning off highways to foreign companies to turn them into profit-driven toll roads.
“Speculation that Perry is the Bilderberg group’s ace card was prompted by the current political climate, which can largely be gleaned from the fact that Perry is a longtime, unwavering supporter of the NAFTA Superhighway and related infrastructure projects,” wrote AFP’s Jim Tucker earlier this month. “These pave the way for the Bilderberg-supported North American Union (NAU) proposal that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico.”
Perry has also given enthusiastic support to former Mexican President Vicente Fox’s efforts to turn Texas into a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. He also aggressively promoted the Rockefeller Foundation-backed HPV vaccination campaign in Texas that has led to deaths worldwide. David Rockefeller is a prominent Bilderberger, attending each annual meeting without fail.
Perry attended the June 2007 Bilderberg conference in Istanbul, Turkey, and in doing so violated the Logan Act, a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.
Look beyond the rhetoric and study what Perry has actually done in his role as Governor – he’s the ultimate globalist – his every action illustrates how he’s the diametric opposite to the image of the Tea Party populist that he attempts to portray. That’s why he’s the perfect pick for the globalists, someone who can suck in the trust of the American people only to stab them in the back upon becoming president, just as Obama did before him.
Obama himself was reportedly vetted by Bilderberg when he infamously disappeared to a secret location with Hillary Clinton in June 2008 in Northern Virginia, at precisely the same time and location the Bilderberg Group were convening in Chantilly. Bilderberg luminary James A. Johnson was also responsible for selecting Obama’s running mate Joe Biden, having also previously selected John Edwards as John Kerry’s right hand man in 2004 after Edwards had impressed Bilderberg elitists Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller with a speech he gave at the globalist confab in Italy that year.
In a comparatively weak GOP field, the establishment cannot take any chances in allowing Ron Paul to gain momentum as the only candidate who has a real chance of defeating Barack Obama.
As polls have shown, out of the Republican candidates, only Ron Paul has a realistic hope of success in a hypothetical run off against Obama – the other candidates are equally unpopular as the President.
Despite the fact that Mitt Romney has been anointed by the establishment as the Republican favorite, a May CNN poll found that he would lose by 11 points if he got the nomination and went head to head with Obama, whereas Paul only trails the President by 7 points.
Bilderberg’s continual influence in picking US presidents and potential vice-presidents again serves up a reminder that the real power structure steering the planet goes beyond teleprompter-reading puppet presidents and rests in the hands of multi-generational globalists, central banking moguls and the CEO’s of the world’s biggest corporations, all of whom routinely attend the Bilderberg Group confab every year.
Wikipedia defines the Logan Act:
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.
The text of the Act is broad and is addressed at any attempt of a US citizen to conduct foreign relations without authority. However, there is no record of any convictions or even prosecutions under the Logan Act.[1][2]
Passed under the administration of President John Adams, during tension between the U.S. and France, it was informally named for Dr. George Logan of Pennsylvania, a state legislator (and later US Senator) and pacifist who in 1798 engaged in semi-negotiations with France during the Quasi-War.[1]
Text of the Logan Act
1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).
In general, the Act is intended to prohibit American citizens without authority from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign governments. Although attempts have been made to repeal the Act, it remains law and at least a potential sanction to be used against anyone who without authority interferes in the foreign relations of the United States.
The only known indictment under the Logan Act was one that occurred in 1803 when a grand jury indicted Francis Flournoy, a Kentucky farmer, who had written an article in the Frankfort Guardian of Freedom under the pen name of "A Western American." In the article, Flournoy advocated a separate nation in the western part of the United States that would ally with France. The United States Attorney for Kentucky, an Adams appointee and brother-in-law of Chief Justice John Marshall, went no further than procuring the indictment of Flournoy. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory later that year appeared to cause the separatism issue to become moot.[1][4]
As a point of interest, after a quarrel with President John Adams over Adams's plan to make peace with France, Timothy Pickering, who had called for enactment of the Logan Act as Secretary of State, was dismissed from office in May 1800. In 1802, he and a band of Federalists, agitated at the lack of support for Federalists, attempted to gain support for the secession of New England from the rest of the Jeffersonian United States. The irony of a Federalist moving against the national government was not lost among his dissenters. He was named to the United States Senate as a senator from Massachusetts in 1803 as a member of the Federalist Party. He lost his senate seat in 1811, and was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1812, where he remained until 1817. His congressional career is best remembered for his leadership of the New England secession movement (see Essex Junto and the Hartford Convention). No charges under the Logan Act were filed against Pickering and his secession supporters.
In the only other known case, US citizen John D. Martin, a prisoner of war in North Korea, was brought before a court-martial for collaborating with North Korean authorities and conducting "re-education" classes in the prison camp where he was held. The case was dismissed because the court-martial had no jurisdiction over acts he committed after the expiration of his enlistment.[3]
In 1967, an indictment was seriously considered against Stokely Carmichael for his visit that year to Hanoi during the Vietnam War. No action, however, was taken.
In 1975, Senators John Sparkman and George McGovern were accused of violating the Logan Act when they traveled to Cuba and met with officials there. In considering that case, the U.S. Department of State concluded:
For a more comprehensive understanding of the Logan Act go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act
immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A
republic, if you can keep it."
doing a very good job of keeping it and they are trying very hard to take it away from us. Why? Because they are both power and money hungry. We are potential serfs that will do their bidding and make them richer and more powerful. They are control freeks under the power of Satan. They cannot help themselves...they have no control over themselves. Funny, isn't when you see and hear how the they are using the government to control this and the other thing that has a direct bearing on your life but they cannot control their own individual lives and their own family but, of course, they do know what is best for you. Everything that Jesus Christ taught us in the Old and New Testaments blare out, loud and clear, the solid truth about life and people and God. A wise man will take that book to bed with him every night. So what do you think God is doing these days as He watches the goings-on that are happening with this ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? I think he is laughing at the foolishness of it all knowing full well they will, in the end, fail. Unfortunately, between now and then, there will be a lot of collateral damage to US. By the way one of their goals is to shut down religion, i.e., ALL RELIGIONS. That is the Socialist precurser of Communism. First you have to take Prayer out of the schools, then all public displays of religion, then claim that there is a separation of Church and State and not what was the original idea which was that there would be no state religion but that people could worship FREELY AND PUBLICLY as they pleased ..... NOT TO SHUT THEM DOWN or to interfere with their practice thereof. Next comes Socialism the tried and proven precurser of Communism, and finally comes enslavement for all of the people except the super rich and the super powerful who are above being equally poor but who wishes you the best because you have to be equally poor and have no hope of anything, i.e., religion, career, money, jobs, etc. in order to be a good serf. Don't believe it... then why is Communist China allowing families to have only one child which by the way will be their very downfall in the future because there will not be enough people to support the aging population in the future somewhat similar to what is happening where abortion is praised and perpetrated with great stupidity and enthusiasm. (Enter here the humor of God who sees this foolishness and smiles knowing full well they are working their way to destruction.) (I am not saying that God is enjoying their foolishness and that He does not wish that they would change their ways to the ways that he has lovingly and clearly laid out for us, which is best for us, i.e., the Christian Bible.) That will mean the end of their power and influence as a nation. They will retreat back into the dark ages. Bottom line is that "Vigilance is the Price of Liberty." Ole Ben Franklin said it right when he said: A REPUBLIC, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT! You notice that he did not state A DEMOCRACY, if you can keep it. But they keep telling us over and over and over again that we live in a DEMOCRACY! Did you ever wonder why? I have several notions but I cannot come to a conclusion at this point in time. Maybe you can...let me know if you can!
Interesting Anglo Mule'... So electing a new puppet that says the right things ( not does the right things) is far better than holding to your principles and beliefs? For years I swallowed that line and voted "against" the latest devil and for the provided "antagonist" only to see things like the Patriot Act, massive debt procurement and moronic wars created by my chosen candidate. Na… no more!!! Funny thing when you wake up you begin to really see the real world and the crap that's been going on, for a very long time… hahaha, and sleep in no longer an option. Go vote for the latest provided puppet… stay asleep. There is a massive awakening happening and we don't need you. I just wish I had woken up in ''72 when the first clarion call played in my ears. But it was so easy to let Limbaugh lull me in to limbo. Neveragain!