According to the Inspector General of the Treasury Department, the IRS paid $4.2 billion in refundable credits in 2010 to those who filed returns using Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs), a group composed almost entirely of illegal aliens. S 577, (Vitter-LA), would end this loophole by requiring that individuals who claim Additional Child Tax Credits must provide valid Social Security Numbers.
Beyond the irrationality of the federal government cutting checks for billions of dollars of checks to illegal workers, the program is rampant with fraud. An investigation found illegal workers filing false returns, claiming children, nephews, and nieces who, if they exist at all, are not even in this country.
(This site CAPS, (Californians for Population Stabilization), has many FREE faxes, as does Let's flood our Representatives with Faxes to show them we want Enforcement, E-Verify & Border Security, NO more Amnesties of any kind.)