This is not about blacks vs. whites. It is sincerely about religion and faith, and the right to worship according to one's conscience. We live in a society where our relationships have grown coarser with each other. Everytime we have to chose work before the Church on Sunday, we become more vulnerable to the ways of the world.
There was a moment in our time when folks were beginning to come together. Charlie Pride singing country music, Johnny Cash, All in the Family and Sanford and Son. There was this brief moment in time when the hope and legacy of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy was being realised. Eveyone had grieved as Americans, and inspite of the loss, they came together with shared values...but there was in the sewer, and in high places darkness...and the culture became sodden with Anti-Christian ideology and began embracing all that was against God, and it really began I think when Sunday being considered not a Holy day anymore, but an extended day for commerce. So people had to choose between work (material life) and Spiritual life. They had to choose between worshipping God, and being fearful of the deprivations of the flesh. We did not understand that this was time-bomb because if you are not being nourished by the Church, you are being seduced by the darkness, and one person at a time enters that darkness because they have become like sheep before wolves. And Blacks want to have power just as badly as Whites..and they've all become coarsenen by this delusional desire. So both sides are manipulated by the media...and by our own personal falleness. But we can transcend this. We can refuse to work on Sundays, and we can go back to Church and Adhere to the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the New Testament. We can get down on our knees before Christ, and we can Love our Neighbour and our Enemies as ourselves.. In fact we must do this. We must be a nation in repentance, just as Ninevah was, and God will hear our prayer.
I wish there was a Sunday for the Lord movement.
My heart cries out to a nation at war with itself... Christians are failing in their first duty to love God and their neighbors... peace is possible, unity is available if we but set aside our personal desires for power and agrandizement and hold to the Truth that we are but servants of love and a higher calling... let us all examine our faith and our purpose in life... knowing that God is Lord of all...
Peace be with you my sister... and may God's Holy Spirit guide you in your service to HIm and the whole of His Family... knowing that we are all members of the same Body, and Spirit.. through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
and here is my tee shirt in support of the New Westphalia movement.