Black Caucus Jihadis Met With Iranian Leaders, Farrakhan In Secret

Three members of the racist Democrat Black Caucus, two of them Islamists, met with leaders of the terrorist nation Iran in secret. Jew and white-hating black supremacist Farrakhan…

ellison carson

Three of the usual suspect Democrat members of the Congressional Black Caucus have been exposed as having attended a meeting in 2013 with the leaders of the Islamic terrorist sponsoring Iranian government as well as the white-hating, anti-Semitic bigot, Louis Farrakhan.

Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN), who would, if not for the efforts of Hillary Clinton, now be the DNC chairman instead of its number two, as well as his fellow Muslim, Rep Andre Carson (D-IN) and Gregory Meeks (D-NY) are the racist CBC members who accepted the invitation to sit down with America’s enemies.

All of the Congressmen were also involved in the Awan espionage case as enablers, who, perhaps not so innocently, provided access to top American secrets that were later stolen. Rep Meeks continued Imran Awan’s employment and defended him long after the news broke of his espionage activities and he had been banned from the Congressional computer system.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hosted the event, which took place following his speech earlier in the day before the United Nations General Assembly. Undoubtedly there was some America bashing thrown in for good measure before that international government cabal. Iranians can’t help themselves and most of the member nations eat that stuff up.

The meeting with the Black Caucus members was originally reported in Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam publication “Final Call,” but remained unknown otherwise until the Wall Street Journal revealed it in a Friday column.

Ellison has a long history with Farrakhan, attending the 1995 Million Man March and lying publicly in his defense over truthful allegations of his unbridled anti-Semitism.

The existence of a photo of Hussein Obama mugging it up with Farrakhan in a secret Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005 just recently came to light, as Democrats knew the negative impact of Obama being associated with a radical anti-American, Islamic Jew-hater would be a hindrance to his presidential ambitions.

After all, this was about the same time he was trying to convince Americans that he was not, as he had previously stated, a Muslim, but actually a Christian; an America-cursing Christian. He’s not a commie either, we were told, despite similar overwhelming evidence.

The Daily Caller reports that even the radical, extreme leftist Southern Poverty Law Center has denounced the Nation of Islam as a hate group for their “theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders.”

This is the kind of trash that populates the Democrat Party. They didn’t just happen to pick up some bad Bolshevik apples along the way to their one world government utopia. They are in the bad apple business.

They are all anti-American subversives by design. Otherwise they have no place in and no value to the Democrat Party, a progressive movement to overthrow the representative government of the United States disguised as an increasingly radical political party.


William Finley
Dr. Gary Katz 1st
Liaison Officer at USMC and IDF
Mr. Finley has successfully surpassed [by a very wide margin] the now decaying and irrelevant trash NYT. Congratulations, Bill! By the way, I frequently pass along some of Mr. Finley's posts and many of his accurate and pithy introductions and analytical commentary to a group of Prime Ministers, military officials, and people of integrity...from all walks of life. With respect & Appreciation, Dr. Gary Katz

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