Black Generation Xers Should Put Group-Think In A Museum


What is your responsibility when you're born free? 
Black Generation Xers should ask ourselves this question seriously and often. We had a more-or-less intact family unit; socIal infrastructure and traditional values to nurture us.
Compared to the bleakness of Generation Y; we lived in a paradise, unfortunately the swan song of a Golden Age of Black infrastructure.
While we experienced overt racism, we also experienced unprecedented opportunities and taboos falling as we entered adulthood. Consequently, we don't have to continue the group-think which was once Black America's chief survival mechanism.
Obama's monopoly on the Black vote is due to group-think dictating Black success is possible only if " one of us " ( which he isn't ) is president. 
This group-think is a product of defunct segregation and doesn't address America today. It gives silver tongued opportunists a leash which Black folks place around their necks to be led to the polls.
Black Generation Xers should promote a more individualized assessment. Put group-think in a Black history museum somewhere and focus on case-by-case analysis of issues.
We're not under Jim Crow and its Northern equivalent anymore. We don't owe anyone our support based on color alone.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will we assess thing individually instead of through group-think? "
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