Black liberalism has become a vulgar; angry even violent creed, especially in the inner city.
This is typed from life long first hand experience and inquiry. I live in the Hood and my activism is based in it. The decline in standards here since the 1980s has been nightmarish.
" Be your OWN Superhero!"-
Ghetto shock troops bombard non-liberals with vulgarity that puts Neo-Nazis to shame while also displaying an appalling lack of grammatical expertise.
It's as if a segment of Black folks are locked up in a cave somewhere, which is what inner city life is if you're painfully honest.
Low income Black people have been socialized to use vulgarity and violence as their chief means of communication. Black faces in high places using them for budget inflation turn a blind eye to such destructive behavior.
President Obama has yet to denounce the hate his followers ritually send to actress Stacey Dash simply for supporting Mitt Romney or assaults committed against Romney voters nationwide . I can hardly imagine silence were roles reversed and a celebrity was harassed for backing him.
Black liberalism in the Hood has sunk in the gutter and big names on high have a foot on their necks keeping them there.
Why can't Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson appeal to followers to be dignified in their dissent? As pastors and leading progressives, I'd assume this choice would be a no-brainer?
Black conservatives aren't the ones killing people on America's streets. Black conservatives aren't the ones threatening actresses with death and pornographic criticism.
Black conservatives aren't the ones making abortion a perverted form of urban birth control. Black conservatives aren't the ones pushing rap music so damaging it could be ghost written by the Klan.
This carnage is patented behavior of inner city Black liberals, the same ones used to get federal dollars that never change anything.
When Black conservative groups devolve into national street gangs like the Crips and the Bloods or Black conservative spoke persons promote obscene lyrics and political language, give me a call.
Until then, inner city Black liberals should clean up their act; upgrade their debate and delete criminality because they're the ones disrespecting and murdering our community.
Not Black conservatives nor conservatives of any color.
Slavery; Jim Crow etc is no excuse for what you choose to be today so stop beating those dead horses.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
Frederick Douglass Liberty Messenger!
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper
http://paper.li/f-1349949651 Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town!
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog
http://capblackhood.blogspot.com/ Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion!