FINALLY!  Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. will have her day in court!  On Jan. 26, the court will hear two atty.s here in Georgia AND Dr. Taitz as they present evidence regarding Obama's eligibility to be on the ballot here for the 2012 election.  Obamalinsky had filed a motion to dismiss, and the judge TURNED IT DOWN.  For Orly's take on this,

For those of you who listened in on Tea Party Radio a few weeks ago, Dr. Taitz joined us on the program and this was one of the topics of discussion.  Go to the link above for more detailed information from Dr. Taitz herself.  

Tune in tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 4, for Tea Party Radio where we have as our featured guest conservative columnist Mychal Massie.  He will be joining us @ 9 pm EST and we will be discussing his latest observations posted on World Net Daily, and his blog @

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