Boehner Boner on Debt-Ceiling Battle

By John W. Lillpop

Speaker Boehner’s apparent retreat from the fiscal revolution to save America is, in and of itself, a despicable cave-in to the Snake Brigade on the left, those anti-American, elitist intellectuals who do not give a tinker’s dam about anything but being re-elected in 2012.

The Snake Brigade includes the president and his Marxist minions in Congress, as well as the mainstream media.

Boehner’s boner is already being parlayed into political hay by the left as noted at the reference, in part:

Boehner "couldn't do revenues from wealthiest Americans," a White House official said.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) all but extinguished hopes for a big deficit reduction deal because he refused to support any tax increases for the wealthiest Americans, a senior administration official said Saturday night.

The White House official also disputed the charge that President Obama was not willing to give ground on entitlement programs, saying that is "not true."

"[Boehner] couldn't do revenues from wealthiest Americans, he walked away over that," the official said. "They are telling people we couldn't do entitlements, not true."

There you go, Mr. Speaker: According to the “good faith” people in the White House, the Republican Party is so obsessed with protecting the rich that the desperately needed entitlement reform was sacrificed just to make sure that the wealthy are not forced to share in the sacrifice needed to save our beloved nation.

Lesson learned: When playing with snakes, regardless of how wrapped in “good faith” they may seem, one does risk being bitten!
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