We all remember the famous 1967 movie, starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunnaway, depicting the lives of the legendary 1930's bank robbers. In modern times, however, the stars of the movie are Bill & Hillary Clinton; except they don't enrich themselves through bank robbery, they do it through the Clinton Foundation. There are numerous examples of these criminals coldly turning themselves into super millionaires by selling favors to foreign governments (Syria), withholding money from disaster victims (Haiti), selling arms to terror organizations (ISIS), granting favors to select insiders (ambassador appointments) and so on.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Bonnie Parker; and if Bonnie gets to be President, Clyde, better known as Bill, gets back into the White House as well. Will they return the stolen George Washington dishes if they move back in? How about the silverware and oil paintings? Do those get to return as well? Do you really want this pair of White Trash back in the White House? I don't think so. We need everyone who sees this posting to remind everyone they know, a vote for Hillary is a vote for Bonnie & Clyde. We don't want to find any more dead bodies wrapped in carpet in Fort Macy Park. Do we? We can't take any more "suicides" by 2 shots to the head. Can we? Do something about it. Don't vote for Bonnie Parker. Tell everyone you know.