This is the New Millenium. 2011 Star date, shut up!
The EU wishes to implement the New World Order and usurp American Sovereignty at all costs.
While all this time we have had at our disposal the Western Hemisphere's Act of 2000.
From Alaska to Gallapogos Island we are the Western Hemisphere.
Turn Northern Mexico into the Drug Mecca of this Hemisphere between the central Mountain Ranges and the Baja Peninsula.
Everywhere else is Fair Game for New Business, Factories, Jobs, housing, even Corporate Sponsorship and NASCAR would love it.
Stop outsourcing our goods, natural resources, etc elsewhere, when the entire shootin' match can be done right here on our property and make this Hemisphere a Land of Opportunity and Peace with and to our International Neighbors of Canada and Mexico, South American Countries and all of our resources, including the bolstering of our peoples.
Sounds good, feels right, lets get on it and ride baby!
Always in Christ, Always American
Max Simon Uhrig 3
San Tan Valley, AZ