Broken Border by Biden

Source; SNGLR

Our border conflict is not an isolated incident. It is part of the world economic forum program of "denationization" of the US.

Edmund Burke described society as “a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.”

Illegal aliens directly threaten the immortality facet of social self-organization because they alter and disturb -- sometimes beyond repair -- the communication mechanism connecting past, present, and future generations, material, measurable, and mortal -- a country, its citizens, and its government, immeasurable, and immortal -- a nation.

The modern leftists are fighting so fiercely for the “rights of immigrants,” not because the fate of illegal aliens worries them in any way. It is because globalists anticipate illegal immigrants as the main “engine of the revolution,” which must bring about socialist transformations and catapult the globalists to power. Consequently, the greater the number of “engines” in a country, the happier the elite of the globalist party will be. So, naturally, they call (irrationally and contrary to common sense) for opening the US borders, dissolving the Border Patrol, and granting the right to vote to non-citizens.

In essence, the left-wing world economic forum runs the program of denationization of the US. The position of globalists on this issue is ultra-uncompromising because, for them, illegal immigration is not a legal issue but a political and close to existential one.

Following globalists, this is not a matter of violating the country’s sovereign rights but a matter of political survival. In the opinion of globalists, illegal immigration encapsulates precisely that army of mere mortals stupefied by the propaganda of the masses. These mere mortals will be required to stand on the barricades to gain political power over every area of the planet.

Basically, the globalists’ idea might be expressed as follows: “If our citizens do not vote for us, we will import hordes that will.” The Texas National Guard on the banks of the Rio Grande protects not only the state and not only the country. They secure the immortality of the American nation.

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