California State University Fresno Professor: ‘Trump Must Hang,’ Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported

This maniac shouldn’t be teaching anywhere. He should be locked up. Would California State University, Fresno ever hire a critic of jihad terrorism? Not on your life. But this savage will probably get tenure.

“Professor: ‘Trump Must Hang,’ Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported,” by Rob Shimshock, Daily Caller, April 7, 2017:

A history professor at California State University, Fresno, appears to have advocated for the death of President Donald Trump on Twitter.

Tweets from an account purportedly operated by Professor Lars Maischak call for Trump to “hang” in order to “save American democracy,” and say the only “cure” for racist people is a bullet to their head. The account is not verified, although the bio and interactions between the user and other Twitter users indicate it belongs to the professor.

“To save American democracy, Trump must hang,” Professor Lars Maischak appears to have tweeted in February. “The sooner and the higher, the better. #TheResistance #DeathToFascism.”

“Has anyone started soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump assassin, yet?” the user wrote in another tweet a few days later, along with the hashtag “TheResistance.”

And in another: “#TheResistance #ethniccleansing Justice = The execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant.”

The user has also said “mercy towards racists” is a “fatal weakness” of Americans.

“#TheResistance Mercy towards racists was always the fatal weakness of good Americans,” he tweeted. “1865, 1965, they left too many of them alive.”

Other tweets include thoughts on “fascist” Trump supporters and the GOP.

“#WhenCaliforniaSecedes, You Fascist Trump-voting white trash scum can wallow in your filthy hell-holes of flyover states,” he tweeted. “Enjoy.”

“#TheResistance A democracy must not be tolerant of those who want to abolish democracy. It must vigorously defend itself. Ban the @GOP.”

The user also compared Trump to Hitler in other tweets.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

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  • We send our kids to college for higher education, not to be indoctrinated! 

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