As we move forward, I thought this would be important for all here to read, join, get involved with, pass along to your contacts.  All actions require evaluation and participation if we are to succeed in 2012, and possibly prevent total usurpation of the coming elections, and most importantly, remove these criminals from power by using all lawful means available.  Read on---

Michele Bachmann:

I think you are really out of it.  I have sent you so many e-mails relating my, so called piece of Mind.  All I can say is that you really do not care what My Piece of Mind entails.  No, I could not put my trust in you as a President of our United State of America.  I do not even trust you as a Congresswoman.  You probably have not even bothered to read all the e-mails that have been sent to you by me and many of my e-mail colleagues, for if you had you would know what basically are the issues that are most disturbing to us.   Yes, Obama and his appointees are very disturbing to us, to say the least.....Obama should not have even been permitted to campaign for the Presidency, but now he is once again being permitted to campaign for the presidency....Why is that?  How about you answering so many of my e-mails?  I guess I better not hold my breath.  

See the below Call to 
Action: A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic

"To Sin by Silence when They Should Protest Makes Cowards of Men. "   Abraham Lincoln 

God Bless and Protect OUR America.  In God we Trust.


Suzanne C. Short


Call to 
Action: A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic
by Jim 
From “A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional 
“We demand an end to government corruption, an end to despotic 
leadership in D.C., an end to the current assault on all decent and honest 
American taxpayers, businesses, and honorable public servants of the people. We 
demand the peaceful return of the people’s government, and we will remain 
resolute in the defense of the Constitution and the United States of America 
until the people can once again feel secure in their nation and 
“In the end more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. 
When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society, but for society to 
give to them, when the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility, 
then Athens ceased to be free.” —Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) “The Decline and Fall 
of the Roman Empire”
“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against 
every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”  00 Thomas Jefferson 
(1743-1826) Third President of the United States
We find ourselves immersed in an “Alice Through the 
Looking-Glass” world where terrorists are called “freedom fighters,” and law 
abiding patriots are called terrorists; where the US Congress passes laws while 
saying “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it;” where the 
federal government sues a state for trying to protect America’s border from 
invaders; where our representatives don’t represent us; where incompetent crooks 
are given billions of dollars in handouts, while honest citizens are left to die 
on the vine. Curiouser and curiouser.
The “long train of abuses and usurpations” runs on ad nauseum, 
and gives cause for any sane patriotic American to rise up in anger and 
alarm—“It shall not stand, nor shall it come to pass!”
As a sign of just how off-track and un-American America’s 
government has become, those who should hold an honored place in society—her 
military veterans—have instead been targeted as potential terrorists (while 
identifying who the real terrorists are is forbidden).
“We the people” now live under the jack-boot of tyranny, call it 
what you will. The “Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic” was 
drawn up under the auspices of the Patriots Union and Veteran Defenders, in 
order to restore America to being the free republic it was designed to be, meant 
to be, has to be.
Although the Declaration is primarily aimed at veterans, the 
message is applicable to all patriotic Americans (especially those who have 
taken an oath to defend the Constitution), and all freedom-loving Americans are 
encouraged to get involved, whether they are a veteran or not.
Clueless useful idiots are currently protesting Wall Street at 
the urging of Far Left radicals, and funded by the likes of George Soros. Close 
but no cigar, dweebs—capitalism is not at fault, but the greedy scum who 
perverted it into a parody of capitalism—crony capitalism. The freedomphobes 
demonstrating against Wall Street are for the most part clueless putzes, being 
cynically manipulated by their puppet-masters.
As the Declaration states, there will be a patriot’s rally, a 
protest if you will, next month, and clueless putzes need not apply. The rally, 
scheduled for Veteran’s Day, unlike the radical left’s Wall Street protests, 
will be a bona fide grass-roots movement—a visible sign of a very real 
revolution taking place across America today.
Expect the Old Media to do their best to ignore it if possible, 
and to downplay and demean it, if they feel they must mention it—they are, after 
all, in the pocket of the banksters and big corporations, who are in turn in bed 
with our corrupt government. Stayed tuned to New Media.
This a time for caution, to be sure, but it is also a time for 
daring, and bold action. Thoughtfulness and prudence should, of course, be 
encouraged, but too much caution and hesitation have caused many “enterprises of 
great pith and moment” to never leave the starting gate. The time to act is now, 
while we still have a chance—however slim—of a peaceful revolution to restore 
freedom and liberty to America.
Individuals who wish to be local or national leaders in this 
movement should join either the Patriots Union or Veteran Defenders. All 
patriots, however, are welcomed onboard, whether members or not. Again, please 
note that this is a peaceful movement; not a call for armed insurrection. Time 
is of the essence for, as previously mentioned, a rally is to be held in 
Washington DC on November 11—Veteran’s Day.
Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Agenda 21, Free Trade Zones, 
Sanctuary Cities, open borders, entitlements, social justice, sustainable 
development, La Raza, Soros, SEIU, ACORN, FED, FFB, IMF,UN, Muslim Brotherhood, 
Islamsists, jihad, 12th Imam, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Planned Parenthood, 
abortion, militant homosexuals, LGBT, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderbergers, 
H1N1, radical feminists, radical judges, radical teachers, Yemen, Somalia, 
Libya, Red China, Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals,” ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, 
global warming, CO2 emissions, ICLEI, Goldman Sachs, “Days of Rage,” Club of 
Rome, socialism, communism, secularism, NBPP, cronyism, fascism, Code Pink, 
Duty calls you to come to America’s defense during this time 
of extreme peril—unless you enjoy standing idly by while she dies “the death by 
a thousand cuts,” or you are one of those doing the cutting.
Laus Deo. 
A Declaration to Restore the 
Constitutional Republic
(15 pages - 468kb)
Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army 

Chairman – Stand Up 
<HDR STAND UP Maj Gen Vallely.JPG>
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----- Original Message -----
From: Michele Bachmann <>
To: Suzanne Short <>
Sent: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 20:44:06 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: FWD: Give Washington a piece of your mind

                     Dear Suzanne, 

                     Last week, I sent you the below survey regarding the most important issues facing our nation today. 
The survey is only ten questions long and I hope you will take a chance to fill it out right now.  

   President Obama, his liberal Administration and the Democrats in Congress have done significant damage to our country. Since Obama’s
election, Congress has issued $2.4 trillion in new spending and the American people got nothing in return. I refuse to continue watching Washington
spend trillions of dollars to create zero jobs and put Obama’s socialist policies on our doorstep.  

         I need to know you stand with me, and I need to hear from you. Please take a moment to fill out my survey so I can bring your
opinions and beliefs to Washington where it hasn't been heard in years.   After filling out the survey, I ask that you please chip in $15 so I can
send this survey to thousands more like-minded conservatives.  

                     Thank you for your continued
support, and may God bless America.


                     Sent from my iPhone  

forwarded message:

                     From: Michele Bachmann
                     Date: October 12,
2011 05:40:05 PM CDT
                     Subject: Give Washington a piece of your mind


In recent days, some have said that to get elected
President in 2012, you have to veer to the left. Not me, I don't buy it. I believe that America is still a conservative nation and the American people
are desperate for a return to the common-sense conservative solutions that once made us flourish. Policies like lower taxes, secure borders,
less regulation, and the full repeal of Obamacare are necessary to put our nation back on track and, as President, I won't settle for anything

                                             As I've traveled across America
advocating for our shared values, I've met thousands of fellow constitutional conservatives who have painted a vivid picture of a great nation in need
of a new direction. Your combined voices have shaped and refined my message of less government and more freedom, but a limited amount of time and a
lot of ground to cover, it is nearly impossible to speak to every voter, one-on-one.  But your voice is important.  As a candidate for President of
the United States, I want to hear from each and every one of you, and that's why our campaign has put together an American Issues Survey to get your
input on the issues most important to you. I hope you'll join other constitutional conservatives in taking this important survey by visiting this

                                             These days, robbing Peter to
pay Paul is the new normal. President Obama's second stimulus has proposed $450 billion in new spending, funded by new taxes and a widening deficit. 
Businesses are being unfairly, but successfully, sued by Big Labor at the cost of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars -- for the benefit of
wealthy union bosses. And, even while millions of Americans sit without work, job creators are being targeted with even more taxes and job killing
regulations, in what is already one of the world's harshest climates for business taxation.  

                                            The candidate who our party nominates for President must be prepared to tackle these issues head on, and
stand strong for the conservative ideas that will move our nation forward.  I have the titanium spine necessary to take your voice to Washington and
fight for our shared values, but first I need to know what's on your mind. Will you visit this link and fill out our American Issues
Survey so that I'm prepared to lead with the voice of the people?

                              You most likely hear this a lot, but it's as true as ever--the stakes in the 2012 Presidential race have never been
higher. With a President who systematically injects his left-wing ideology into our daily lives, other candidates' records promise more of the same,
taking a slightly different course from President Obama but arriving at the same destination on issues like immigration, healthcare, and infringement
on liberty. We've got to elect a President who won't settle for anything but an entirely different path.  I won't settle, and you can count on that.

                                             Our survey is only ten questions long, and is
important to maintaining a winning strategy as the primary campaign enters its busiest season.  It will only take you a few minutes to answer, and
that's why I hope you'll fill it out right away.

                                             As we continue our campaign for the White House,
I'm always thankful to have you by my side.  If we're going to win this election, we have to stick together and keep our eyes on the ball -- defeating
President Obama and returning our voices to the White House.  


                                             Michele Bachmann

                                             P.S.  After you finish our ten-question survey,
you'll have an opportunity to support our campaign to take back the White House with a generous donation. In a recent article, Bloomberg News noted
our campaign's extraordinary grassroots donors, the sum of which is larger than any other candidate in this race. By making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more after
completing the survey
, you can join this incredible group of patriots who have made grassroots donations in support of the issues mentioned on the
survey, and help us move the ball down the field towards victory. Thanks! Michele

Paid for by Bachmann for President

Not produced at government expense.
Contributions to Bachmann for President are not tax
deductible for federal income tax purposes. The maximum an individual and a non-multicandidate committee may contribute to Bachmann for President is
$2,500 for the primary election and $2,500 for the general election, for a total of $5,000. Contributions by corporations, labor unions, federal
government contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited. Federal law requires us to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and
name of employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.


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  • I have found congressdwoman very receptive to my suggestions regarding reforming the tax code based on my 40 + years as an income tax professional.  She cannot possably read all of her e-mails and only sees the ones members of her stsaff present to her. The rigors of this campaign and continuing with her responsabilities as a member of congress are keeping her mextremely busy.  If her staff feels that you have some positive suggestions in what needs to be done, she will respond to u
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