For the past few months I have tried very hard to keep my blood pressure down but it hasn’t worked. Every time I see or hear Butthead open his mouth all I keep hearing is lies. He is telling the left the same stuff that he told them in 2008 what is this peat and repeat.
Now this clown is calling Romney a crook, well folks somebody had better put a mirror in these peoples face. Obumer has been hiding everything under the SUN.
1. His Birth records, he’s been hiding the truth for how many years?
2. His college records that he has been hiding.
3. Refusing to obey the laws of this country.
4. In 2010 he made 5 million dollars, but only paid $400,000 in taxes, that’s less than 10%. In 2011 he only made $749,000 dollars and paid what in taxes? Were is the money being hidden?
5. Fast & Furious hiding the truth from the American people?
I could go on but I get so angry about his corrupt bunch that are in the OUTHOUSE, it’s get to stink up the country side more and more everyday.
I guess the left has been lying for so many years that it comes normal to them. They wouldn’t know anything about the truth even if it was in BLACK & WHITE.
The truth needs to come out now, because the stuff they are bringing out about Romney stinks so bad that it’s starting to back up in Corrupt DC.
All these elected people want to do is blame somebody for their screw up, instead of fixing problems. I’m just about sick of all of them.
YES we need a third party, and somebody that is not going to make a career out of it.
This country could be out of debt in lees than 10 years but the folks in Corrupt DC don’t want to give up some of there Benny’s.
1. Their pay
2. Their healthcare?
3. Travel expenses?
4. Many more that American people don’t know about?

These people need to come down earth.

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