So I was sitting here thinking about Obama and his socialist plans and it occurred to me. This might work… certainly not here and now, but in the world of dreams. This is still America until Obama finally wears us out of it. So since we are talking about the fantasy that socialism will work, let’s talk about the fantasy way to make it work.
The way I see it we only need two things to make this fantasy a real breathing thing. The first is power. And I am not talking about personal power or the ability to give orders and make things happen. I’m talking an almost unlimited electrical power source. Which is in itself the second thing we need.
The second thing we need is technology. If obama can get our scientists to make replicators that work, then we have it made. The Government can be the big cheese and run everything, and we the people will gratefully follow.
Imagine this, no more world hunger, the classes would be even because the rich and poor alike would have whatever their hearts desired. There would be replication centers all over the country. Some centers would replicate food, others would make clothing, and still another would make other household items. And it would all be free because that is how Obama wants it.
They would also invent better more advance robots and replicate as many of them as they need too. That way humans aren’t involved with the process and are free to pursue other endeavors. It also would make the system more reliable, and provide service faster. It would keep human greed from trying to stock pile goods so the people who need them would get them.
It would also save money formerly spent on the military. Replicated soldier bots, with replicated weapons. No longer would our sons and daughters have to die in far away places defending others from evil-doers.
We would save money on foreign aide because we would replicate enough for everyone. Replicate gold to pay off our national debt. And we would be free and clear again.
Life would be just one big vacation. Citizens could go anywhere and do just about anything they wanted to do, providing it doesn’t interfere with the rights or others. No need for police, everyone would get along, and for the ones who won’t follow the rules we’ll have Robocop’s.
Yes, life will be good. Everyone will be an artist or play the guitar in the park at night while children run free safe from all cares. Each one protected with a special chip. If they disappear their parents can bring them back with a press of a button. (for there to be replicators, transporters are just a given.)
Obama can run it all and welcome too him… except, the technology isn’t there yet. Even with technology doubling itself every six months or so we’ll still have to wait a long time before getting to working replicators. Hopefully not until the twenty-fourth century. But probably not in our lifetime.
So even though Obama is a man ahead of his time; even in fantasy. He is not the man we need here or now. He comes up with replicator technology and I will reconsider this, but until such time as he is the cure. Right now he is the cause of our problems.
If everyone who reads this would email the Whitehouse demanding our replicator technology then Obama would be forced to act. I have no idea what he would do other than make some more bogus promises. But I’d sure like to see it.