The idea that the American people need government to take care of some of our personal needs—grown to the point that it is unaffordable, and yet growing by leaps and bounds, in fact, to the point that future generations are being obligated to pay for the current generation’s needs—this clearly says the government and people are mindless tools of the vogue.
Many people who win the lottery end unable to pay their debts and take bankruptcy. America is like those people who can’t handle money, only America doesn’t take bankruptcy. The central bank prints monopoly money and we the people accept this out and out fraud. It is actually notes of indebtedness we accept.
Moreover, the government’s present stand—to spend our way out of recession—notwithstanding the excessive spending for personal needs, has at last brought forth the Tea Party. Politicians are at last beginning to wake up to the fact that we the people have a say in their reelections, with the exception of President Obama and his inner sanctum. The question: Is America already a totalitarian dictatorship and we don’t know it? What do we have to stop Obama? He’s already done many things that the law doesn’t allow. I have not heard from anyone how we can stop this lawbreaking president. His election may be the last choice the American people will ever have in a president. It won’t be the first time it has happened. With current spending out of control, looking back at the rise of the Nazi Party, out of control spending was the cause.
More than half of the American people, from the richest to the poorest, in some way, depend on government. Politicians always promise the moon. You don’t think they would be elected, do you, if they told us that each and every last one of us was going to have to bite the bullet? No, they would never say that. They make it appear the other guy is going to have to bite the bullet, thus dividing us. Politicians are all in the game. Where are we the people? Being taken by self-serving politicians in both political parties.
Looking back at the rise of Germany’s Nazi Party, and at the same time, in America businesses closed from the lack of demand, and unemployment soaring, President Franklin D. Roosevelt took drastic action. The American people looked to government for the answer. The German people looked to government for the answer. There is a good chance that government spending will not be brought under control and Obama’s answer will be the answer the American people buy. Rest assured that Obama is counting on the American people not being willing to get spending under control. It’s going to take supreme leadership to keep America free.
There is always a scapegoat. In America, during the Great Depression, it was greedy capitalists that caused it. Socialism got its foot in the door. In Germany, Jews caused their depression. They owned 90 percent of industry. In Germany, the Nazi Party was the National Socialist Party. In both instances, it was the idea that free enterprise does not work. Power hungry politicians work very hard to make it appear that they have all the answers; that is, socialism is the only solution for greedy capitalists: take from the rich and give to the poor.
The fact is that free enterprise is the only system that has ever worked; socialism has never worked. We humans have the faculty of forming mental images that become our reality.
Science, now having taken the clockworks space-time apart for examination, have an explanation very few are listening to. A dimension of infinite possibility exists and our minds are interacting with it. The more we imagine, the broader our reality; it’s growing exponentially. The ancients, having relatively little, had little imagination. However, they were not preoccupied with the abundance of material things we now have. They were more occupied with spiritual matters. Apply this thought to the backward Middle-East and their power hungry politicians.
It all hinges on consciousness. Modern science now concedes that consciousness is essential to the mix of things. Before the Big Bang what existed? From nothing you get nothing. And too, perfection is the same as nothing, as nothing perfect would have any reason to move. Out of universal consciousness comes our moving universe. In lab experiments, science has discovered in the microcosmic universe, that, once connected, photons communicate instantaneously even if on opposite sides of the universe, proving there is more to the universe than the space-time consortium. There’s something infinite and everlasting.
Starting with the first book in the New Testament, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, to the last book, The Revelation of St. John the Divine, an allegorical accounting of our history for the past 2,000 years, in Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. In this respect, in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus: “Thy kingdom come. (end of thought) Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10),” that’s now, folks. God’s kingdom comes later. We’re not spectators passing through life waiting for the day of judgment. We’re part of the act.
From the Bible, we learn that three “wise men,” actually Persian astrologers, followed the Star in the East to Christ’s birthplace, at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. We read that the authorities feared that Jesus might overturn their power, so they crucified him. Jesus promised to return. He didn’t say when. We read in astrology books that the sign of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, representing duality of purpose—division. We read that the Age of Aquarius, the age we are now entering, the sign of which is the water-bearer to humanity, is an age of independent thinking, stubborn beliefs, and of brotherhood. How could that be? Jesus tells us in the Bible how that could be. Come to think of it, with my imagination, it appears that the Age of Aquarius fits with Jesus’ second coming.