Compare Alaska’s Sara Palin—for self-government—and New York’s Anthony Wiener—small mind and a big mouth. Any wonder why Palin is a threat to political progressives? Congressman Wiener is a monument to America’s demise. He won’t resign. Good! Leave him be as an example of what an American can become. Would anyone want to appear to be like Congressman Wiener? The cause of people like Congressman Wiener is concentration. It diminishes the individual’s stature. In my own experience, I cut from the herd and went on my own.
The cutting edge of science has discovered that nothing could exist without consciousness. Being on one’s own stimulates one’s conscious understanding. Science has found that there is a dimension of infinite possibility to which the human mind is in contact. Observance is the key. Anything is possible. When I went on my own, everything could have gone wrong. Everything went right, and quite logically. I looked within for my answers. It’s the natural thing to do, and essential if you expect to survive what’s coming. Most Americans have their heads in the sand. It is not a pretty picture.
The shining city on the hill Reagan saw is $14.7 trillion in debt and going for $17.4 trillion—all due to government entitlements. The American people want their cake and eat it. They refuse to face the facts. For 75 years, politicians have been making impossible promises and passing the burden off on future generations. They are continuing by asking the Federal Reserve Bank to print trillions of dollars so the U.S. Treasury can borrow the notes, notes that are falling in value like a rock. The American people are not willing to face the fact that their entitlements are not going to be there. Instead, they will have worthless paper they can’t eat. The wise are preparing, which is only hastening the time when the music stops and the unprepared are going to be left standing.
Everything is pointing to another lesson of history. The American people will be left with no choice but to accept a monster. Hitler made good his promise. He took everything German Jews had and killed them like you kill insects. Is that what America’s entitled want? We are hearing the same answer again. By siding with the Palestinian answer, President Obama is for killing Jews. Obama is lawless. Where is Congress? The situation is out of control. The American people have not yet awakened to the grim facts.
What comes around goes around, but not exactly. We are becoming vastly more aware of the makeup of the universe and our place in it. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.