Change the course

It has been said again and again. Not only was the past election a wake up call to those elite few in Washington, DC that We the People are a force to be taken seriously, this should also be our wake up call. The Tea Party movement is disorganized with the numerous sites listed when one does a search on the internet. This site seems to be the best of the, from the others I have visited prior to joining. What we need is to consolidate some of these other sites to form one central location. This must start with one true leader amongst us, one with the strength and charisma to unite us all. I do not yet know whom that may be, but it must be done. We held the royalty's feet to the fire as individuals, now we must become one. Perhaps if we form our own political party? A party where we choose one of our own, with all of the original values of the great nation, to take back what was once a government of the people.

My personal gripes about the current government?

1. The national debt. Congress, according to the Constitution of the United States, controls spending, taxes
and currency. Pay your bill!!!
2. Rewarding privately owned companies for failure. General Motors, Chysler, Goldman-Sacks, AIG, ect should
have fired those incompetent executives, not ask the tax payers to bail them out. And congress, passing this
nonsense on behalf of the people, should have known better. I guess they are getting it now.
3.The economy. There is a half truth thrown around by these politicians from time to time. Particularly during a campaign to gain votes. Out sourcing or sending jobs overseas. These phrases cross the lips of the individuals
who have raised taxes and placed undue restrictions on business. To a company owner taxes are an expense.
This is why they move elsewhere. And the shame of it all? This was once a country where if you worked hard
to succeed you were rewarded. Today that reward becomes the property of the government in the form of high

One last thing, an overlooked fact. Prior the the Declaration King George only had one tax on the people of this
nation. Tea. And we started a revolution over just one.
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  • I stand corrected. Thanks. A collective group would be the proper course of action. The point I am trying to make is that the tea party movement in general needs to be more organized as a whole.
  • I agree the tea party should have one official website it would make things easier. However I am not for having any one leader. Maybe a Committee of people but never one person speaking for and or Apologizing for us. Although We stand united by our core values we may still have somewhat diffrent polititical views. I am not a Republican or a Democrat I am an Independent in the true sense of the word I give my support to those who I believe hold the same values and views I do. If there isn't any I don't go and support the lesser of the two evils I simply don't give the vote.
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