Charles Rangel Brilliant Defense of Weiner: “At least He Wasn’t Going out With Little Boys!”

By John W. Lillpop

Leave it to Charles Rangel, self-anointed moral ombudsman for the Democrat Party, to come up with an argument in favor of Anthony Weiner that may save the other  disgraced New York Democrat from House banishment and perhaps worse.

Rangel’s brilliant argument, terse but tough, consisted of the following quotable quote, “At Least He(Weiner) didn’t go out with little boys!”


Just how can you be sure, Charlie? Remember, the Weiner scandal started out as a third-rate hack job by a pervert, according to Weiner. It then escalated to an admitted bit of “foolishness” on Weiner's part, but not worthy of headline news or resignation.

The next shoe to drop was the news that Weiner was somehow involved, digitally, with a 17-year-old girl in Cyberspace chit chat, none of which was inappropriate or salacious.

According to Weiner, that is.

To say that Weiner’s recent record with respect to the truth is somewhat tainted would be akin to saying that Congress spends too much! The obvious is, well—too damn obvious.

Still, there is a bit of good news that Charlie could have used to defend the wayward Weiner: At least he did not cheat on his taxes!

What say ye, Charles?

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  • The Post actually had that as a headline?  Wow@


    Did it say whose????  LOL


    I hear you about Weiner--i remain skeptical

  • John did you ever see the 1972 film The Heartbreak Kid with Grodin and Cybil Shephard.  This guy is never satisfied no matter how pretty the girl is and is always on the hunt.  He is flirting after he gets Shephard.  The mere quanity of women and girls interested in Weiner's weiner is what excites him the most.  Ages from 17 to 40's we know and all races and that age range may expand when further detais keep coming out.  Did you catch today's New York Post Headline it said Obama Beats Weiner.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • I agree with Angelo, although I am not sure that  Weiner is straight. Catch a glimpse of Huma, his adorable wife.  Why in the world would anyone foresake her for the purpose of shooting photos of his own crotch???
  • I think Weiner is a straight pedo perv but never the less an investigation should be done to see if he ever was a Scout Leader or Camp Counselor.  If so,  questions should be asked to see that the only weenies taken out were hotdogs from their packages.
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