I've been a distant supporter of the Tea Party for some time. Many of the same issues that have sparked the Tea Party as a movement were a frustration for me as well. So much so that I wrote a book about the changes taking place in America called "America's Resurrection". In it I give some credit to the Tea Party for leading the fight for America's recovery.
The Tea Party is generally represented as Christian oriented, but certainly not only made up of Christians. On the TeaParty.org "About" tab there is the statement, "Yes, we are a Christian nation." I respectfully disagree, although it may only be a matter of semantics. That is essentially the core issue in my book. If you are interested, it can be found at, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_18?url=search-alias%3Daps&....
Or the press release for a description at, http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/3/prweb9292994.htm.
It is about the conflicts taking place between our government, culture, and Christianity. If you are a Christian and concerned about these issues, please at least take a look at the overview and consider reading it. I believe it contains the most important issues for us to consider as we work together to protect our nation.
Bruce Moore