"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state? You'retelling me that's in the First Amendment?" — Christine O'Donnell

Answer: Yes, Christine. The First Amendment of theConstitution begins: "Congress shall make no law respecting anestablishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
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  • If youreally think so! then this is what I say to you, Friend, I will give you food for thought, Today a man that watched and donated to NPR for years, shared a story of being miss lead for many years by NPR, and within the last year took a closer look at Fox News and other opinions and began to weigh them, he found he had been supporting the destruction of our Country, after in depth research, he is now a member of the Tea Party. I was glad to hear he learned a few things, but I also asked him as I will ask you, as I ask anyone of us that have supported the destructiveness of this country. Now that you know! Support this country at least as much as you did to help destroy it. It is up to you. I say support Christine as much as you have hurt her, if you can realize, she is not perfect but she is not going to let the destruction continue on her watch, Coons did and will support Obama. Country First!
  • You make valid points.
  • You should try to watch the real debate not CBC's edited details. That may help you.
  • It is not fair, because you are telling people not to support Christine, and therefore telling people to support Coons, whom we can see relies on the interpretation of the Constitution and not the Constitution, a well he supports the Health Care Bill and many other thing we do not, If the reason for not supporting O'Donnell is as you say, (her in ability to know the Constitution), than how can you support Coons by not voting for O'Donnell when Coons Voted for a Bill that Is UN Constitutional (Health Care). He is creating UN Constitutional Law, and your opinion she merely miss questioned. Tell me Sir how you can not Support her and support Coons!
  • Paul, we each view the CBS News video differently. Fair enough?
  • I will repeat it to you again, it is not in the First Amendment nor is it in The Constitution, now I see you and Coons spin the question, and state what is in the First Amendment, but again she was correct in correcting Coons because "Separation of Church and State" is not a part of the Constitution. So while the Democratic audiences laughed at her, as if that was all you needed to judge her she again was correct. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Is not what Coons said first! That was his spin! and yours. You owe her an apology, (Sir) Christine was defending the Constitution of the United States of America, from progressive translation she owes no apology for defending America while the audience of lawyers laughed!
    Watch the video above and decide for yourself. She doesn't have a clue. I support most of what the Tea Party stands for, but I refuse to blindly support everyone who claims to be running as a Tea Party candidate. We need smart candidates and Christine O'Donnell is not a smart candidate.
  • Hey (Geno Bam Beno) Coons is useing you, wakeup you think the Democrats are helping anyone in this country you are saddly mistaking.
  • Coons said it was specifically in the first amendment and it is not, the interpretation came later and many do not agree with it, Cristine was correct, no where in the first amendment is the statement Separation of Church and State. The phrase itself does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. You sir are wrong! The phrase was quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947 you her an apology!
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