As the nation goes into day whatever of the government shutdown there can be no arguing away the fact that this disruption of government services, paychecks, etc. is owned - exclusively - by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and the hyper-partisan political animals of the Progressive Left. And own it they will come election time. Many are trying to equate this government shutdown - which is really not a paralyzing of government, but a disruption in many government services and federal outlays to employees and those receiving benefits - is akin to the last government services disruption cause by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) when he filibustered for the repeal of Obamacare. It is not. Sen. Cruz was using the filibuster to the benefit of the American people in that he was pressing for the repeal of a wholly unconstitutional law that affected every citizen of the United States. Sen. Schumer is filibustering to the benefit of non-citizens of the United States in his totalitarian insistence that the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program be passed without deviation from the whims of Progressives and Democrats in Congress. Cruz advocated for American citizens. Schumer is not. The sad thing is that Republicans and President Trump are willing to negotiate a compromise on DACA and, in fact, are actually doing so, much to the chagrin of many. What Schumer is doing is a political show; politically opportune grandstanding. It is all for political and partisan purposes. It is politics over government; Leftist, open-borders ideology over good government for the citizens of our country. Retired Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas once said, "The most dangerous place in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.” It's very hard to argue with Mr. Dole on that. William M. Finley Blogger for the coalition for Trump Dr. Gary Katz 1st |
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