America’s Founding Fathers were white male. In present day America, what was the minority is now the majority. Ideally, morals are classless. Class warfare is Marxist. Capitalism associates with white male. In the public's mind, there is no such thing as classless capitalism.
Although white, the Founding Fathers put in place law that no matter what race, sex, or creed, the individual was favored over the group. America’s dividers are America’s activist, Marxist judges.
Today, hearings begin for another activist Marxist Supreme Court judge, ironically on the day Senator Bird, the longest-serving Marxist thinking politician died.
Sociologist Robert K. Merton is credited with coining the expression, self-fulfilling prophecy:
The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.
Merton accurately portrays that which has divided the American people, a false definition, a fraud aimed at government control, individual rights zero.
Capitalism is an economic system in which investment and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained by private individuals. It has nothing at all to do with white male. The illusion has been created by self-serving politicians that a capitalist is a wealthy white male, calling for class warfare. The American people have been duped.
It takes capital formation to create a business enterprise. It takes planning; it requires taking a risk; it takes determination, hard work, and a service or product the general public values. There is nothing evil about capitalism. The law is meant to regulate, not to put government in control through redistribution of the wealth. The evil is in government creating class warfare for the sole purpose of control.
An evil government was my thought when I wrote the Attorney General of the United States a letter. The Nixon Administration established price controls, against the free market, for the sole purpose of control. His price controls drove independent businessmen like me out of business. His price controls favored big business.
I was forced to sell my land investment to pay my cost of living. Although I received double what I paid for the land, government created inflation meant I received no more than what I paid for the land. But the capital gains tax made no provision for that. Although Nixon drove me out of my independent business, and I made no profit, government taxed me on non-existent profit on the sale of my land, and at the same time gave the government entitled cost of living increases, all with the tacit approval of the duped American people.
I brought this case of government fraud before the federal judiciary. I was not heard. Instead, the IRS illegally cheated me to show me who was in control, to show me that I didn’t have a chance. Your can read exactly what the IRS did in "A Word on Government Entitlement." It’s the end result justifies the means, the usual and customary way governments perform when the public allows it.
After the fact, the public is beginning to wake up. To switch back to constitutional government would cause great hardship. What needs to be done now is to undo what has been done in a reverse process—little by little give the people back the rights government has by fraud taken. We need to vote people into office who will state their ideas of exactly what they plan to do if elected, no more platitudes with no details. What is needed is classless capitalism; that is, government fairness to all concerned.
Unfortunately, over the years government manipulation has put the majority dependent on government in control. Classless capitalism doesn’t put the cart before the horse. All government knows is spend. If allowed, as we now see, government will spend America into bankruptcy. The free enterprise system is where wealth is created. It should be wealth producers, not government, in control. Government’s object is to build a power base of government dependents. Why would a private investor want to participate? What you see is what you get. Why should someone dependent on handouts be in control? This is what you ought to ask those running for public office. How do they propose to put the taxpayers back in control?
In Flast v. Cohen taxpayers were allowed, "under the taxing and spending clause of Art. I, Section 8, of the Constitution" to challenge a tax that was for paying church schools in New York. The taxpayer's allegation in such cases would be that "his tax money is being extracted and spent in violation of specific constitutional protections against such abuses of legislative power."
In Flast the Warren Court heard the case of a group of taxpayers. Although they were permitted to constitutionally challenge the law, the Court held that the few pennies the individual taxpayer paid that went to church schools did not constitute a legitimate challenge.
Federal income tax allows the tax collector to collect a taxpayer's means of existence. Nothing could be more fundamentally wrong. After the tax court ruled in my favor, the IRS went against the tax court's order, by mistake, and confiscated my property. The U. S. Court of appeals ruled in favor of the IRS. The Supreme Court refused to hear my case. A U. S. District Court decided to hear me. The IRS admitted it had "wrongfully" collected tax from me and refunded the money. Then the IRS went to my bank on the same tax the IRS admitted was wrongful and seized every cent in my bank account.
Why do the taxpayers allow it when the Constitution says they have the right to challenge the tax? Uncle Sam says it has the right to make unlimited mistakes against taxpayers. The courts go along with it. Why? According to the representatives of the people, it is for the good of all.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not for the good of all. In my case, Uncle Sam didn't get away with it. I don't understand why other taxpayers don't feel the same as I and challenge the IRS when the IRS is clearly wrong. Maybe someone can tell me.
“Except as provided in sections 6212 (a) and (c) and 623(a), no suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court.” This requirement does not apply to assessments under Subtitle C of the Code; that section of 7421 bars all actions to restrain collection except: “Where (a) the tax assessment is an illegal exaction in the guise of a tax and (b) there are present ‘special and extraordinary circumstances sufficient to bring the case within some acknowledged head of equity jurisprudence.’”
The above, as in the case of Standard Nut Margarine Co. of Florida, Botta v. Scanlon, National Foundry Co. of N.Y. v. Director of Internal Revenue, all corporations, corporations statutorily provided entities, they do not enjoy the fundamental rights given the individual in the Constitution, America’s activist Marxist judges got away with this kind of stuff against a law abiding individual because we, the people, leave it up to lawyers and judges to decide our fate. No US. Court heard my case. I was before two U.S. District Courts and the U.S. Court of Appeals before going to the U. S. Supreme Court. The IRS clearly performed numerous illegal exactions in the guise of tax and there were clearly special and extraordinary circumstances sufficient to bring the case to trial.
U.S. Solicitor General McCree used Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad in his case against me. In part, Brushaber:
"Under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not the exertion of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in basis for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion . . . "
The taxpayer is protected against the lawless IRS. Is the law so difficult to understand that you are forced to depend on paid professional liars to interpret the law? America has five times the number of lawyers we need. Is your existence so unimportant to you that you are willing to let unscrupulous lawyers control you? Against me they were like fish out of water. They hung themselves with their own rope. I studied the law and had a bigger than life calling.