Most of my life i could not figure out why there were those whose seem to interfere with one's positive progress. Gradually and recently i was revealed clearly what a liberal minded person is and once clearly defined, how to avoid them and or how to better educate them.

It all starts with Genesis 4: 1-13. Because most of my life was encumbered by the liberal minded, I am committed for the rest of my life to helping others define those one should avoid as a liberal. It is my hope to also convert those who unconsciously incorporate the liberal mentality.

Most of mankind can boil down to two groups of thinkers: The Conservative and the Liberal.  One will either follow a Liberal minded philosophy or a Conservative view point and conviction. Most Conservative views are God loving and or Christian based. Most liberals are anti Christian, Anti-God blind followers.....More entries to come.

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  • As faithful Catholic followers of Christ ('Christifideles'), we are alarmed at
    the degree to which our nation has been changed from its original conception
    steeped in freedom and with a government 'conceived in liberty and dedicated to
    the proposition that all men are created equal'. These basic and inalienable
    truths upon which rest our God-given rights, and attendant responsibilities, are
    under egregious assault. We, therefore, band together in prayerful and
    deliberate civil action to re-inject those truths into the body politic. Our
    freedoms can only last as long as those who enjoy such blessings are willing to
    stand in defense of them. Please join us in our efforts…

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