
4063511198?profile=originalMy yesterday’s blog hit pay dirt—531 views, 14 comments. The last comment: “Who knows? Maybe Obama is from outer space…”  I don’t think so. Please lend me your ear.

I woke up this morning—don’t ask me why—thinking  about America’s presidents, back to Theodore Roosevelt.   I recalled that Glenn Beck had informed us that Teddy Roosevelt was the beginning of progressive government.  I went to Google and looked up codependency. Codependency is sick love, the tendency toward overly passive or excessively caretaking ways. It occurs in families, in romantic relationships, and in communities.  With this in mind, I looked up Theodore Roosevelt.

President Obama’s bold endorsement of same sex marriage, I read, compares with Teddy Roosevelt’s invitation to Booker T. Washington to dine with the first family.  Washington was a distinguished black educator. “The most damnable outrage which has ever been perpetrated by any citizen of the United States,” wrote one newspaper.  We’ve come a long way, baby. This incident divided the nation.  Both Roosevelt and Obama had the same thing in mind.  The name for it is progressive government, or codependency.

It is amazing how observant we can become with today’s resources, and even more amazing how stupid the majority of Americans have become.  The name for it is codependency— over-passivity in the face of government’s excessive caretaking ways.

But the most amazing thing of all is why I would wake up thinking about America’s presidents.  I wake up every morning with something in mind that leads to my thoughts in my blogs.  It’s like automatic writing.  Something bigger than me is writing my thoughts.

Speaking of Glenn Beck, Glenn woke up one morning and took stock of his life. He was an alcoholic, and on the rocks.  He looked deep within and found himself, his inspiration, his Mormon faith, actually Jesus.  I woke up one morning and leaped into an unknown future.  My faith was in what I read in my Constitution.  I had God-given rights that were being trampled.  I challenged the IRS.  Jesus was nowhere in sight.  In fact, no one was in sight. I was seen as a mad man.  I was on my own. 

Oddly, Beck and I are on the same wave length. How can that be?  One morning in the spring of 2001 I decided to write my memoirs.  First thing in the morning, I wrote my thoughts on a yellow pad and later typed them in my word processor, where I could move thoughts around to coincide with other thoughts.  It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.  Groups of connecting thoughts began connecting with other groups of thoughts to form a bigger picture, one I had never dreamed, a bigger than life picture.  But Jesus was not in the picture.

I happened upon a book that gave me answers, The Physics of Consciousness, authored by brain doctor and quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker.  I learned that my mind interacts with matter to form my reality. I found that my mind is connected with the consciousness of the universe.   That made sense—something impersonal.  A personal god cannot be everywhere at the same time.   

When Walker got to the final chapter, “A God for tomorrow,”  he revealed that he was a Christian, but he realized that in the fabric of reality there is justification of the central features of the Judeo-Christian conception of nature.  But he also could see, as one and the same, a Buddhist conception—“a unity in nature, all things being aspects of mind.”  Absolutely true, thought I.

Walker saw an underlying structure, the engine that “drives our struggling souls.”  He saw “the separation that lies between any of us and the rest of reality.”

Walker realized that a universe that has only matter cannot have consciousness and cannot have will.  It would not have divine-like creation, no machinery for order.  This implies that mind plays a vastly more important role than we realize.

In conclusion, Walker wrote, “Some have failed to see any place—any space—where God could reside, and others have failed to see where any consciousness could hide within the atoms of matter. But we have found that reality.  We have found the hiding place.  We have seen that the universe springs from every thought of God and matter from the very existence of mind.” Walker’s ideas had to soak in, but gradually I came to understand.  Walker was ahead of his time. I was ahead of my time.

My wife Karen has been a God-send.  The funny thing about it is that she is not on my wave-length.  Unconsciously, Karen has bought me up to speed, not only in my understanding of love, but in the greater workings of the universe.

Karen became interested in astrology and numerology.  I’ve been reading her books.  Every bit of me is there.  I was created with a special purpose, the same as everyone if the truth were known.  More lately I’ve been studying Karen’s  Scofield Study Bible, especially the “Gospel According to St. Matthew.”  I’ve finally found Jesus in my life.  It all connects.

Getting back to my book of memoirs, I thought I’d connected all the dots in 1973. I self-published An Aquarian’s Bold Venture.  I was wrong.  An expert critiqued my book. She said the entire book would have to be overhauled.  For the past eight years I’ve been rewriting my book of memoirs.  Last July the picture of where we are heading became clear to me.  I started writing and never stopped. I came up with In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.  

In my book of memoirs, you will read how astrology and numerology played their roles in my life; how the law played a role; how quantum physics played a role; how Jesus played a role to build this comprehensive human. You have no idea of the power that lies within you. In my book of memoirs, you will learn from this layman what to expect from tomorrow’s God.  





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