I have just joined Teaparty.orgThe command center page saysWe have a three step process: Our Roar (The Rallies); First Bite (Petitions - Legislative Actions); Second Bite (Law Suits - Judical/Legal Actions). Remember, United we win, Divided we Fail. Chapter and Membership Tools are available for free to help you grow. Below is a convenient way for you to locate and connect to Tea Parties in your area. Simply click on your state to see the listings we have at this point in time.I greatly appreciate what I see begun here, but how to we begin the 4th step, the communication among all of us to determine what we all agree should be democracy and how it may be regained?We know we need our federal officials and government operations to change. How do we begin in daily action? It is one thing to send them a pink slip. The tea party rallies have gotten attention and have a few thinking, but not enough changing their actions. If we gain enough power to boot them all out, how do we assure we get facts not fiction, better treatment of all citizens, citizens first, and other changes from the next batch we go to elect?What should any who believe and want us to believe they have the qualities to lead us back into true democracy be able to do, to show us, to lead us to having a smaller, more fair, more consistent, more constitutionally based government?Today, what first changes should be made?Tell us what part of the federal budget serves only US citizens, accompanied by a statement of why any other funds are taken from citizens to form the federal budget?Congress passes no bills longer than, say maybe, 20 pages...A commitment to review all laws in place and eliminate any language that diminishes an individual or state's right to autonomy with no good reason...Action to eliminate preferencial treatment of any subset of citizens, replacing it with equal financial allotment, in any federal programs where that is possible, for every citizen of all state's - then let the state and local governments determine how to further distribute funds and accomplish stated goals - with reports of best and worst uses of funds...Your thoughts? Thanks Diane K