Let's Look Into the BACKGROUND of these Shooters, shall we? The Liberal Media sure won't.
CT Shooter- Satinist... hated god... registered Democrat
CO Shooter- Progressive Liberal- Worked on Obama getting elected... Registered Democrat
Va Tech Shooter- Progressive Liberal- registered Democrat
Ft Hood TX Shooter- Muslim- Registered Democrat- Regressive Progressive Liberal
OKC Bomber - McVeigh - Voted Libertarian in 1996, said Science was his God and said he did not believe in Hell and was an admitted agnostic
There is a pattern here... all were liberal and Godless! Again, it seems to me if one is a Dem and/or a Progressive Liberal then they should have a really long wait time for being able to buy a gun. Maybe a job first...and believe in God.
None of the mass mudering freaks have been conservative/libertarian constitutionalist. Looks like most God fearing Republicans are the ones liberals need to be listening to but that makes too much sense.
I think maybe we should follow Israel when it comes to security at home, on the streets, in the classrooms and at the airports.
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