4063514256?profile=originalFederal spending is out of control in the United States, and has been for many years.  Even at this late date, there are only feeble attempts to get spending under control. The purpose of this apparent insanity is to protect career politicians.  More than half of the American people receive some benefit from the system now in place.  The usual answer: tax the rich more.  It is killing the goose that laid golden eggs.  The American people are not willing to face reality.  The ship is sinking.  It will not be the politicians or the rich that go down with the ship.  It never is.  It is always those willing to be led by the nose.

How do we stop this madness?  In 1975, my life was in ruins. First, I looked at my Constitution, not the Constitution that the above named have given us.  My Constitution does not give Congress the authority to redistribute wealth.  The redistribution is all about power and control. The courts have their idea.  My income is government’s for the taking. The courts refused to hear me. I took the court record to the press. The press investigated. The IRS admitted it made a mistake. The government cannot do anything unconstitutional in its taxing policy.  It is free to make limitless mistakes, ostensibly, for the good of all. It is policy, not the law, which the American people accept.  But as for government entitlement, we have a constitutional right to receive them, which the American people accept.   God created us with reason and logic. We’ve regressed to animal, but not all of us.

From the day I demanded my God-given rights to the fruits of my labor to exist, the wheel of fortune favored me.  Why would it continually stop on my number?   How many of you can say you demanded your God-given rights?  It is the key that opens the door. 

I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven2012. This free-thinking eighty-six year-old guide takes the reader from the ancient past to the cutting edge of science, explaining centuries-old readings of the stars, doctrines and dogmas of religions and quantum physics.  This non-Christian tells the reader Jesus is for everyone, no strings attached.

In my demand for my God-given right to exist on the fruits of my own labor, an eleven year court battle with the IRS, all the way to the Supreme Court, my mission became crystal clear.  The United States is a lawless renegade.   I was victorious in the end. The IRS ate crow.  I knew the power that lies within.

When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right, to the point that all of my dreams came true. How many of you can say the same?   We have no idea of the power that lies within us.  I learned the hard way.  Good luck and God bless you.




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