Congressional Shell Game

Sara Palin, speaking of her current bus tour to historical places, said it is so important for Americans to learn about our past that we might clearly see our way to our future. Sara is visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, which is now a national museum. It was where nine million European immigrants entered the United States, long before government entitlements.  Well Sara, since you brought it up, I’ll talk about our past, something I have not been hearing.


The game Congress is playing, called the shell game, is to make you think the pea is under a shell other than the one it is under.  In the end, there is not a dime’s worth of difference in Republicans and Democrats. They are all after the same goal.  


A vote was taken yesterday in the House of Representatives, part of Congress’ shell game, rejecting the Presidents spending plans.  As much as the President, Congress wants to keep government redistribution of the nation’s wealth in place.  Spending taxpayer money to help people out is what allows Members of Congress to keep permanent career jobs.  Imagine how many votes a politician would get who advocated the elimination of government entitlement. 


Politicians put government entitlement in place and now we can’t survive without them.  The President has now given us a $14.7 trillion debt, and wants to give us trillions of more debt. Half of the voters approve of him while few approve of Congress. There is little doubt of who is going to win.


I’m privileged to have lived before government redistribution of the nation’s wealth, when hard work and doing the job well was what counted; when the American people depended on the family; when we saved for a rainy day.  In so doing, we left the nation a better place for future generations. 


By turning what used to be a personal responsibility over to career politicians, we leave future generations with an astronomical debt, for the first time in the history of America, a worse place to live. 

Congress has us over a barrel and knows it. Our so-called representatives are trying now to convince the public that they are taking the needed steps to balance the budget—in the future, nothing specific.  


We elect representatives to public office for the purpose of doing something constructive. What we’ve gotten from our elected representatives, made out by construction, is the greatest fraud of all times.

Going to Congress for the cure is like going to the fox to watch over the henhouse.


It isn’t a pretty picture.  How do you think we got in this mess? Congress is making  you think it is doing something for you when it is not. As always, Congress is doing for itself. The future of the American people is grim.  Best that you be prepared.


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