Conservative Web Networks:

These some of the conservative websites I have found to be interesting:

There is of course Lloyd Marcus' which has a following of roughly 80,000 people according to their Facebook page: Lloyd always has updated info on who his organization supports  in different national, state and primary elections, which I like to see.

we-are-not-stupid-runaway-debt_350x350.jpg?width=268Herman Cain also has a couple of websites he runs. I always find something about Herman that is interesting. His sites are and the newer, and admittedly a bit stranger Here's a link to an ad for the latter:

His CainTV hasn't quite taken off as I think he had hoped, so if it looks interesting to you, maybe you should check it out. 

Here's another link to his SolutionsRevolutions videos:

Other 'Tea Party' sites I've stumbled over includetea-party-150x-150.png, which I've mentioned in a past post, and

You can view's take on the Tea Party in this link: They're Evolutionizing, which is I guess only slightly different than evolving, but they're still an interesting and noteworthy website. 

As far as I can tell, these are sites that keep pretty good tabs on things, but are not always on everyone's radar. Maybe in all these links, you'll find something you like. 

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