First they gave us the Patriot Act, but it turned out to be anti-Patriotic. Then they gave us the Freedom Act, which turned out to be anti-Freedom. Let's not forget about the Affordable Health Act, which turned out to be anti-affordable. It's all about the Orwellian 1984 - tell the proles we've never been at war with East Asia, but then tell them we've always been at war with East Asia. At least in that instance they actually told the proles that. In our time, they don't even bother to tell us anything; they just move forward without even acknowledging we exist. If we're dying of thirst, they won't even piss on us.
The latest fiasco is the Trans Pacific Partnership, a corporate combination of the North American Union (us, yes, we are a union now with Mexico and Canada, not a sovereign nation), the European Union, and the Asian Pacific Union. They claim it's about Trade, but the secret intent of it all is absolute control of the globe. Just picture the movie Springtime for Hitler, where he's dancing around his office with a beach ball painted as a globe, and he's merrily tossing it in the air, and perching it under his arm, as he waltzes around his desk, laughing and full of himself. He's the symbol for the current Corporate Combine that essentially is doing the same thing.
We as a Nation are not done yet. They may have passed this so-called Treaty, but they will have to implement it in the near future. That's where you come in. You must resist. You must point out to others the Fraud that will take place as the implementation of this commences. Stop obsessing on the Confederate Battle Flag, Peacock Jenner, Trans-sexual nonsense, Gay marriage, Genderless bathrooms, and all the pop culture trash that they lay before us as a distraction. They want us diverted from what's really going on - the destruction of the USA so they can roll in the NWO.
Get focused on the important stuff - bought and paid-for politicians, puppet presidents, economic warfare, medical tyranny, high tech gadgetry designed to rob us of our humanity, political correctness implemented to divide and conquer us, things of this nature; not baseball scores, movie titles, television buffoonery, video game drudgery, women's issues that are, by and large, bogus. Where are the women regarding the horrible abuse of other women in the Middle East? Nowhere; hiding under the table and putting us, the relatively harmless Western jerks, in the cross-hairs to make themselves feel good and powerful, while the real atrocities go unchecked.
When all is said and done, You Are The Resistance. Don't let this mockery of the USA be enforced. Support the Laws of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; not the laws of their god, the Evil One.