Country men and women, With the exception of five or maybe six Senators it has become obvious that our representatives have something other than our country and its Constitution at heart.  Their actions are clear evidence that they were not to be trusted when they placed their hands on the bible and swore an oath. The vast majority of them have promoted the destruction of our Constitution, Freedom and Liberty.

 Most of those not promoting this treason stood by silent as the apostils did when Christ was crucified.  It is now time we accept the full responsibility for the defense of the Constitution.  You have the power to do this.  The question is, "are you willing to sacrifice"?  When Congress passes laws in defiance of the people it only becomes the last word if you allow it to.  With regard to Obama Care, this is the most destructive legislation to our Rights and Freedom in history.  There exist two ways to defeat it, the first is if enough people refuse to accept it and do not comply.  Yes, this takes courage and the only way it will work is if you get the word out and have people sign an oath to resist and defy what is an un-Constitutional crime on the American people. 

The only other way is to make the exhausting effort to get your state to refuse to implement it and make it unlawful in your state.  Remember, it is you, if you are reading this yes you, that has to take that first step in what will be a difficult journey.  Your other choice is surrender and servitude, no rights and the end of Freedom.  Those who make the choice to live free and sacrifice will never have to hang their heads in shame, those who do not ........... 

Making sacrifice does not include just posting on the internet, that is not sacrifice.  You have to put your dollars in the hands of those trying to fight, yes until it hurts! You have to get out and pass out information explaining the danger the country is in.  Sitting at your computer just does not cut it!  And yes I have sacrificed to the point of pain and personal loss so I am not asking anyone to do what I have not!  It is your last chance before your Constitution is a relic of historical curiosity. Elevengun

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  • It is a proven fact that my income tax case was before every federal court in the land and not heard. The United States admitted on the front page of The Palm Beach Post that it made numerous mistakes in the collection of tax from me.  I proved that the American people do not have a right to one penny of their earnings. Given the fact that Congress is again kicking the can down the road and growing more desperate, working people are in big trouble.  The government will take whatever it needs to keep in control.  The law in the United States has come down to Nazi law.  Something has to be done or in short order America will become a socialist dictatorship.

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