Posted on The Washington Post’s Plume Line-By Adam Serwer-On May 10, 2011:

“Politico reports on something that should already be common knowledge to readers of this blog — that the phantom menace of sharia law has become a “consensus issue” among Republican presidential contenders:

As potential GOP candidates jockey to distinguish themselves heading into primary season, there seems to be at least one issue on which they widely agree: Sharia law is a continuing threat to the United States.

Invoking Sharia and casting it as a growing danger at odds with American principles has become a rallying cry for conservatives. It’s also quickly becoming an unlikely pet issue among 2012 presidential contenders: Potential candidates have almost unilaterally assailed the Islamic code, making it as much a staple of the campaign stump speech as economic reform, job creation and rising gas prices.

The idea that American Muslims will somehow replace the Constitution with Taliban-style sharia law is a ludicrous conspiracy theory, which is why it’s so bizarre that it’s even become a political issue. State legislatures across the country have proposed or passed sharia law bans, which are patently unconstitutional given the First Amendment’s protections against government interference with religious worship. The only context in which sharia comes into play in the American legal system is in matters of civil arbitration and contracts — and there’s a longstanding American precedent for allowing the faithful to address such matters through religious arbitration if they so choose, but such agreements aren’t allowed to preempt civil law. Indeed, there’s growing alarm among Orthodox Jewish communities that anti-sharia legislation could ultimately interfere with their freedom to resolve matters through religious arbitration.

Muslims represent a painfully small percentage of the American population. And not even the Christian right, despite all of its political influence, has never been able to realize its dream of eroding the separation of Church and state or stemming the tide of growing public approval for same-sex marriage. Pew estimates that the American Muslim population will comprise a whopping 6.2 million by 2030, less than two percent of the total population of the U.S. The idea that they will be able to impose their will on the rest of the country, even if they wanted to, is ridiculous.

Islam is like any other religion — interpretation of its principles shift according to its adherents. What’s remarkable is that, far from protecting Americans from extremism, sharia panic actually demonizes and alienates American Muslims who are an essential resource in the fight against terrorism.

The prospect of successful federal anti-sharia legislation seems unlikely, if only because the constitutional hurdles are so high. But sharia panic is a little like birtherism, in that it allows Republican presidential hopefuls to pander to the anti-Muslim elements of the conservative base without having to propose much in the way of actual policy results. The American Muslims Republicans are treating like domestic enemies are merely collateral damage.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Should Americans Fear Islam?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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  • Dear Max:  Thanks for taking the time to read my blog post and for your much appreciated comments, which I totally agree with. Have A Great Evening & God Bless. Semper Fi! Jake
  • Right on Jake. If they can't even agree on SB 1070 about Illegal Immigration, which honestly should have been dealt with back in the 1950's, then why even bother with the situation of the rights of Muslims or Islamics at all?

    All I'm seeing anymore is just Home Owners Association "Politics" of the Better than thou's, too smart for their own goodie two shoes types, who are destined not to go to hell alone.

    Greed kills. But so does non-sense politics which invade all of our privacies, fun having entertainment, and our basic beliefs.

    If they can't stop themselves, well, let the Taliban have at them, period!

    Like when 9-11 happened, our own Mafioso stepped forward - offering their services to do a job it took our beaurocratic backslashers nearly 11 years to do at the price of thousands of American Soldiers lives, their families mourning still, and the heartbeat of America is waning thin.

    All for the sake of what we affectionately call the Internal Revenue Service, and its own brand of Terrorism through the wiles of The Drug Enforcement Agency and the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

    Please, to all whom may read this blog and consider the next statement unto the enrichment of their lives, souls, and livelihood:

    Daniel chapter 11 and verse 20. In this year of 2011, anyone with any slight of mind can pick this one up, the Number reversal. 2011 - 11:20. Its a NO BRAINER!

    This is the Year. This is the Time. This is our Freedom from the oppressors we have been duped to believe is a needful thing and entity to survive, thrive, and control our very existence.

    If anyone has any doubts as to its validity, please read it prayerfully, believing God as to His Promise to us and  to all of His children, even though we're all Gentiles, that's who it is for.

    God Bless America AGAIN!

    Always in Christ,

    Max Simon Uhrig

    San Tan Valley, AZ

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