The gift of a tyrant or fascist is the worth of his words and actions; always harmful and fatal for the receivers. FOOLS RUSH IN to great sounding promises; trained on sound and not to reason and logic; that fatal attraction is akin to being mesmerized by a light beam, with the sound of music without content; appeasing with soothing empty promises; with the strong hand of the police power to prevent dissent.
Trump is a master of deception. If he speaks poorly of some; just wait your turn. He fooled the media into giving him endless air time. He fooled his followers. He fooled the Republican Party. He did not fool history repeating itself.
Yes, he will spend our money, not his yet benefit his wallet more than any American will be able to. The media is complicit in allowing only his voice being heard, omitting everyone else's. He will shrink the government by intimidation; thus having a complete takeover of it; replacing it with TRUMPTYRANY!