The Tea Partiers are uniting to provide a CO-OP as an alternative to Government Solution. We are launching our Liberty Concerts to get the message out and provide concrete evidence to get these Leaders to inform them to get out of our Pockets. We cannot be free if we are taxed to death.I agree with C-SPAN that the Healthcare debate should be aired on C-SPAN. President Obama promised he would have open debates on Healthcare, specifically on C-SPAN. We have not seen anything open at all about this debate. As Americans we have seen the worse in our political leadership. The cajoling and arm twisting and shady deals leave us wanting and will put our nation in dire straits. If truth be known we do not need any government intervention in heathcare.I was in Washington, D.C. with with organizations like the AAPS and Million Med March we discuss solutions that would reduce the cost of healthcare without government intervention. It is funny how Lawmakers break their promises and are involved in backroom deals that ensure their re-election bid.That is why there is no transparency, because they don't want real solutions. They want these tax bills so they can skim most of the money to campaign fronts to control of the media. The media is realizing that they cannot allow Washington Insiders to play the puppeteer in this media masquerade.I'm proud to have been on C-SPAN and their willingness to say you promised transparency on C-SPAN now President Obama Honor your commitment and Honor your Oath to Support and Defend the U.S. Constitution.These Leaders are our servants, they seem to have forgotten that.Dale