Darkest before the dawn comes from the knowledge that sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to see the light. Similarly, comes “necessity is the mother of invention.”
The way I read the Bible and the Constitution the “Higher Law” says we are here with increasing purpose. For instance the discovery of nuclear energy meant to use it for constructive purposes. We used it to build bombs. We’re not following the leads we get from the Bible and Constitution. We keep reverting back to the law of the jungle.
Speaking of the “Higher Law” opposing the law of the jungle, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1933 (I was eight years old), America was in her darkest hour. Roosevelt’s answer: “We have only fear itself to fear.” His motive in saying that was to rewrite the Constitution. The “old Court” was hanging tough on its interpretations. Roosevelt’s New Deal law was considered welfare state socialism and unconstitutional. The old Court lost the battle. A Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court, Justice Brandeis, reasoned: “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.” Individual effort and the rewards was no longer the end. The makers and keepers of the law, under New Deal law, made the welfare state the end. Your sweat, in addition to government services, is the state’s to use for the good of all. More than half of America’s population today depends on redistribution according to the dictates of those who make and keep the law.
Drunk with power, the self-serving defenders of New Deal law, both Republican and Democrat, have overspent to the extent that generations to come are enslaved to the welfare state. New Deal law is reverting back to the law of the jungle. The Constitution is merely a historical document in a glass case.
Since Roosevelt was elected, we’ve come full circle. There is no way out. The makers and keepers of the law, having painted themselves into a corner, are lying—Republicans and Democrats. With the nation bankrupt and divided, adrift and heading for the rocks, give them credit for doing a job on us. Our God-given rights are going up in smoke. We’re facing an economic storm the likes of which we’ve never before seen, and just when the Mayan calendar says the end of the world is on December 21, 2012.
President Obama and his like minded one-world friends, including Iran’s leadership, for the good of all, have orchestrated a situation that places the focus on Israel, the homeland of Jews, on their “promised land.” Their “promised land” has about as much chance of surviving as a snowball in hell. Israel provides the above mentioned leaders with their opportunity to start World War III, divide up the spoils, and fight amongst themselves for final control. What about other people’s belief in God. Nobody else has a promised land.
On the other hand, for the good of all—collectivism—it boils down to the final control of all. President Obama refers to it as “collective salvation.” Going back in time millions of years, the law of the jungle produced dinosaurs. When they grew so large the jungle could no longer support them, a rock fell from the heavens and destroyed them. The increasing purpose of life on this planet bought us humans. The above named, sub-humans, leftovers from the past, are still living by the law of the jungle.
In Matthew, we read that three Persian astrologers (the Magi), guided by “the Star of Bethlehem,” traveled to the birthplace of Jesus and gave the “King of Jews” gifts. We read that the King of Jews died on a cross, and that the Jews’ temple was destroyed. They were made Roman slaves.
The Jews have been persecuted since ancient times, and, coincidentally, the one and only people God promised land. Unfortunately, that is the bone of contention right now. Once again, Jews are looking to God for help. They got zero help from God in Nazi Germany. You would think they would have learned by now that God did not promise Jews land, not anymore than God promised Muslims land. Read it in the Bible in Genesis1:26. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion . . .”
You can take isolated passages in the Bible and make any case you want to make, but you are wrong to do that. You are out of context. The Bible is the moral story of man. You have to take the whole Bible to make the case. The Bible doesn’t give anyone land; it gives man a moral guide. Religion is man’s plotting to grab power, the cause of wars. Land is external. By looking externally, you will never find God, for God is internal.
An inalienable right is internal, a right that can’t be taken from you without your permission. You may be externally forced to obey man’s law, but God’s law is yours. It is by your choice when you give up your God-given rights. God takes care of those who take care of themselves.
By looking no deeper than my ego, I learned from experience long ago that if anything could go wrong it did. I was out to get my pound of flesh from the IRS. It was my ego that caused me to study the Constitution. It was when I studied the Constitution that I felt voices of the past were speaking to me. I looked past my ego, into my inner self. Instead of a personal fight, it changed to a fight for the good of all. So we’ve a choice: collectivism, for the good of all, managed externally, or the inalienable rights of the individual, for the good of all, managed internally.
We are all subject to acting out of passion. It is never a good idea to entrust people, no matter how good their intention, with doing what is for the good of all. We don’t learn from other individual experiences what is for our own good. We don’t learn from the majority vote what is for our own good. The Higher Law doesn’t make us worker bees. It is not in human nature to all work the same. Why is it in man’s law that we should all share the same? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know the answer to that. The fact that we’ve lost sight of the “Higher Law” is the reason America is now going down the tube.
The latest scientific discoveries tell us that ultimately it all comes down to universal consciousness, each of us inextricably attached. We, individually, limit our conscious awareness, but what would we be without our thoughts? A thought has no shape or form but from our thoughts comes our reality. If you want to know how something works you take it apart. That’s was quantum physicists do. By studying the microcosmic world, they find it to be our world before it becomes reality, in a state of infinite possibility. Why don’t you know that you are more than meat? You’ve been dumbed down by the orthodoxy. The observer is a co-equal in the creation of reality.
Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker: “in the development of quantum theory, the observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.” So give yourself credit for being human.