Had another passionate discussion with a rabid Black Obama supporter ( one of my street vendor friends on New Orleans world famous Canal St ) yesterday.
He can't understand:
A. Why I support Romney ???????
B. How can I call myself "Black" and "Republican"????????
Our talk is typical within Black America as their Kenyan King faces losing his throne. The sum total of the American Black experience rests on this election they feel.
The fact he's ignored them until months beforehand goes unnoticed. A White Republican with the same level of disdain would has faced protests and outright rioting.
When I ask him about the worsening economy he reliably responses it'll take another four years to fix what Bush did.
The fact that we're surrounded by more homelessness; more unemployment and more desperation counter intuitively means to him that Obama deserves another term.
While refusing to call himself American ( I'm working on him! ) he nonetheless has many conservative values which would seemingly put him at odds with the president.
He's a small business owner; supports law enforcement; supports traditional marriage; and doesn't tolerate crime or disrespectful language toward women around his stand.
I call brothers like him, "Obama's Colin Powell Wing:" Black solid citizens who honestly feel Obama represents real change from negatives in America's past.
A traditional values champion, this vendor rails against men who sell drugs; murder; beg single mother s for money on Canal St sidewalks and even wear clothes stolen from another man!!!
Despite all these stellar poaitive he supports wholeheartedly Obama!
Powell wing voters feel if this biracial Black man doesn't win Jim Crow 2.0 will suck all their accomplishments down a racist Republican black hole.
I try to comfort him.
This is what happens when sun tanned socialists manipulate Black liberals self-image who refuse to see themselves as citizens, regardless of who's in the White House.
This was our best Obama debate to date.
Big Democrats abuse Black people precisely because we don't punish them at the polls by voting Republican or third party.
Obama's Powell wing and more embarrassing Ghetto wing of vulgar supporters ensure sun tanned socialists are never judged by performance- only pigmentation.
Holding Democrats to the same harsh standard as Republicans insures we get results instead of photo ops featuring folks resembling us living the good life while most American Blacks can barely make it.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
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