Democrats…No One To Blame But Themselves

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

fus-1.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xSlowly, little by little, the liberal’s 2020 platform is coming together, and it is exactly as we have always said it would be.

Naturally, at the top of the platform is “get Trump.” That’s been a given since the wee hours of the morning on November 9th, 2016 when their anointed candidate, not so much Obama light, but Obama white was too plastered, and too angry to address the snowflakes who left her “victory” party like a glacier leaves a hillside.

While the whole Mueller witch hunt of an investigation failed as profoundly as did Hillary, the chants of “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA” have become chants of “RACISM, RACISM, RACISM.”

But what else is there for liberals?


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