Deneen Borelli brings reassuring frankness to high profile political discussions. She's the calm conservative making salient points amid chaotic commentary from louder voices left and right.
I just got her book, ' Blacklash " from the library today and am enjoying it. Far from stale sound bites driven, it outlines in readable fashion why she's conservative and ( shh! ) how what she calls " closet conservatives " reach out to her- a major point.
Critics contend Black conservatives are sparse. Accounts like Mrs. Borelli's suggest otherswise. Fear of retaliation keeps many silent.
Read some of what she's been called and tell me there isn't a war within Black American between politburos and patriots over political freedom.
This time the segregationists are Black liberals and socialists demonizing anyone who disagrees with the Eastern European White supremacist ideology they feel will save us.

" Liberty Lady " is my nick mane for her and it sums up her approach. She really believes in liberty and has devoted her life to its promotion.
Open minded American Black liberals should appreciate this most since liberation is their battle cry! If we lynch each other over politics, are we any better than Jim Crow era haters?
Being hated because of your politics; race; sex and even the color of your husband is a heavy burden to bear. It's shameful that Black haters don't recognize similarities between their tactics and those of 1960s segregationists.
Filthy language; threatening supporters; anonymous death threats; heckling; even assault fit perfectly within the Klan playbook from that era.
Congratulations " sisters " and " brothers " you've joined trigger happy crack dealers in being chocolate Klansmen instituting a reign of terror against your own people.
Keep up the ' good ' work.
The days when mobs dictate what Black folks think are thankfully over. I've begun asking liberty lovers to form " Freedom Friends " free security groups when speakers like her come to town.
Let the haters know decent Americans refuse to allow anyone to be bullied into silence,
Before I forget, lest some socialist somewhere try to accuse me of inciting vigilantism these Freedom Friends security groups would operate under the strict letter of the law.
A possible loss for president Obama precariously hovers on the horizon as does rising anger toward Black conservatives and patriots of all colors.
The Stacey Dash case should have been a wake up call to what's simmering in sullen segments of Black America.
Deneen Borelli has taken up the torch and drawn alot of unwanted attention to herself. Let's do our part by making sure she and fellow spokes persons have citizen protectors wherever they go.
Liberty Lady, we've got your back!
(504) 214-3082
HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town!
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion!